Acquiring Information Systems and Applications Describe the IT planning process. Describe the IT justification Describe the SDLC and its advantages and limitations. Describe the major alternative methods and tools for building information systems List the major IT acquisition options and the criteria for option selection Describe the role of hosting vendors Describe the process of vendor and software selection.
Acquiring Information Systems Zappos Uses Open-Source Software to Build Applications
Planning for and Justifying IT Applications
Acquiring Information Systems Evaluating and Justifying IT Investment: Benefits, Costs, and Issues Assessing the Costs Assessing the Benefits Conducting Cost-Benefit Analysis
Strategies for Acquiring IT Applications Buy the Applications (Off-the-Shelf Approach) Lease the Applications Use Open-Source Software Utilize Software-as-a-Service Develop the Applications In-House
The Traditional Systems Development Life Cycle
Traditional Systems Development Systems Investigation Feasibility Study Go/No-Go Decision Systems Analysis Systems Design Programming, Testing, Implementation, Operation and Maintenance
Alternative Methods Prototyping Joint Application Design Integrated Computer-Assisted Software Engineering Tools Rapid Application Development Agile Development
Traditional Development
Alternative Methods End-User Development Component-Based Development
Advantages and Disadvantages of System Acquisition Methods Traditional Systems Development (SDLC) Methods Prototyping Joint Application Design Integrated Computer-Assisted Software Engineering Rapid Application Development End-User Development
Advantages and Disadvantages of System Acquisition Methods Outsourcing Application Service Providers
Vendor and Software Selection Step 1: Identify Potential Vendors Step 2: Determine the Evaluation Criteria Step 3: Evaluate Vendors and Packages Step 4: Choose the Vendor and Package Step 5: Negotiate a Contract Step 6: Establish a Service Level Agreement