Changes and Impacts A & S May
Accountability History Accountability Changes and Impact Discussion 2
3 History of Accountability Changes 2013 Add Biology, Geometry; New Writing Standard; Revise 5-year Graduation Rate
STANDARDS ASSESSMENTS 4 *Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers
2011 FCAT Writing administered, SBOE subsequently increases standard for school grades to 4.0 FCAT 2.0 administered, scores reported on the old FCAT scale Baseline administration of the Algebra 1 EOC 2011 FCAT Writing administered, SBOE subsequently increases standard for school grades to 4.0 FCAT 2.0 administered, scores reported on the old FCAT scale Baseline administration of the Algebra 1 EOC Spring 2011 FDOE releases preliminary information on new scoring expectations for Writing 2012 Winter 2011Summer 2011Fall 2011February 2012Spring 2012May 2012 FDOE releases 2012 writing calibration scoring guides SBOE sets cut scores and achievement levels for the new FCAT 2.0 and Algebra EOC SBOE raises the previously approved cut scores for Grades 8-10 in Reading SBOE announces that there will be two scorers for Writing in 2012 SBOE sets cut scores and achievement levels for the new FCAT 2.0 and Algebra EOC SBOE raises the previously approved cut scores for Grades 8-10 in Reading SBOE announces that there will be two scorers for Writing in 2012 SBOE directs Commissioner to convene task force on SWD and ELL issues Administration of PERT in high schools for inclusion in the 2012 High School Grades Students participate in: FCAT 2.0 and Algebra EOC Geometry and Biology Baseline EOCs Administration of PERT in high schools for inclusion in the 2012 High School Grades Students participate in: FCAT 2.0 and Algebra EOC Geometry and Biology Baseline EOCs SBOE approves 2012 School Grading Formula on May 10 th, including: new learning gains Algebra EOC for high schools & 100 new points for K-8/middle ELL and ESE students in all components PERT in college readiness New writing scoring guides using the higher 4.0 cut score Classifying ESE centers as alternative schools for 2012 school grades SBOE approves 2012 School Grading Formula on May 10 th, including: new learning gains Algebra EOC for high schools & 100 new points for K-8/middle ELL and ESE students in all components PERT in college readiness New writing scoring guides using the higher 4.0 cut score Classifying ESE centers as alternative schools for 2012 school grades Five task force meetings held in March on SWD and ELL issues SBOE meetings held in March (TERRA) and April with no decision Five task force meetings held in March on SWD and ELL issues SBOE meetings held in March (TERRA) and April with no decision 2012 FCAT Writing Scores Plummet SBOE holding emergency meeting 2012 FCAT Writing Scores Plummet SBOE holding emergency meeting Changes to the State Accountability System Timeline Changes to the State Accountability System Timeline : 18 Major Changes to the Accountability System for the School Year 34 Total Changes 5
Increased Expectations for Proficiency ELL Students in US School for 365 Days ESE Students on Florida Alternate Assessment Middle School Acceleration Component Reading Performance Penalty Social Studies EOC in MS and HS More Rigorous Graduation Rate 6
3.0 FCAT Writing proficiency standard One school letter grade drop limit ◦ Adjusted points Suspended Penalties ◦ Adequate Progress of Lowest 25% Reading/Math Learning Gains ◦ Reading Performance Threshold Due to number of changes and late notice to districts, FLDOE implemented the following temporary measures: 7
One Letter Grade Drop Limit ◦ 3 Elementary Schools would have dropped 2 or more letter grades Lowest 25% Math Learning Gains ◦ Impact 6 High Schools Only Level 1 and Level 2 Students More Rigorous Algebra 1 No FCAT Math for 9 th and 10 th Graders Reading Performance Penalty ◦ 2 Elementary Schools ◦ 1 Middle School 8
9 *Charter Schools not included
10 *Charter Schools not included
11 *Charter Schools not included
12 *Charter Schools not included
FY2012 & Beyond School Grading Formula Changes 14
Increased Writing Standard One Letter Grade Drop Limit Expired New Cut Scores For Science, Biology 1, Geometry Reading Performance Penalty Lowest 25% Penalties Reinstated More Rigorous Graduation Standard Automatic School Grade Scale Adjustment 15
17 *Charter Schools not included
18 FCAT 2.0 End of Course Reading Mathematics Science Algebra 1 Geometry Biology 1
19 Impact of FCAT 2.0 Reading and Math Cut Scores on SDPBC Elementary Schools Students Scoring Proficient and Above
20 Impact of FCAT 2.0 Reading Cut Scores on SDPBC Middle Schools Students Scoring Proficient and Above
Requires using Algebra 1 and Geometry EOCs for Math components of High School Grades Requires using Biology 1 EOC for the Science component of High School Grades 21 High School End-of-Course Exams Replace FCAT Math and Science
22 Students Scoring Proficient and Above
NGA Rate ◦ Includes all Standard and Special Diploma recipients Federal Rate: ◦ Only includes Standard Diplomas ◦ Students receiving a Special Diploma or withdrawn to Adult Education are considered dropouts 23 Replacement of the NGA Graduation Rate with the Federal Graduation Rate
25 Into 9th Grade SATACT Concordant Score FY FY
Changing Grading Scales School Grading Scale Revision for If ‘A’ and ‘B’ schools reach 75% in a current year, minimum required points for grades of A, B, C, and D would be increased 26 School Grading Scale Grading ScaleOld Elementary Schools800 Middle Schools Senior High Schools1600
Lower graduation rates Increased dropout rates Higher retention rates More intensive support courses Fewer A and B schools, more C, D, F schools More schools under State sanction 27 “The Common Core State Standards are higher; they’re fewer; they require more critical thinking skills,” Jeb Bush said, “and they will, unfortunately, at the beginning, they will probably show that close to two-thirds of our children are not college and career ready” (Nov 2012)
QuestionsandDiscussion 28
FDOE SCHOOL GRADE COMPONENTS AND SCALES Elementary School Grade Matrix and Scale Elementary School Grade Matrix and Scale Middle School Grade Matrix and Scale Middle School Grade Matrix and Scale High School Grade Matrix and Scale High School Grade Matrix and Scale FDOE SCHOOL GRADES CALCULATIONS 2012 School Grades Guide Sheet (PDF) 2012 School Grades Guide Sheet (PDF) School Grades Technical Assistance Paper (PDF) School Grades Technical Assistance Paper (PDF) ESEA WAIVER Florida Gets Flexibility Waiver From US Department of Education Florida Gets Flexibility Waiver From US Department of Education Frequently Asked Questions about School Grade Modifications and the ESEA Waiver Frequently Asked Questions about School Grade Modifications and the ESEA Waiver FDOE GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Graduation Requirements for Statewide Assessments Graduation Requirements for Statewide Assessments Students Entering Ninth Grade School Year Students Entering Ninth Grade School Year Students Entering Ninth Grade School Year Students Entering Ninth Grade School Year Students Entering Ninth Grade School Year Students Entering Ninth Grade School Year 29
Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) 2007 Reading/Language A rts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards 2007 Reading/Language A rts Next Generation Sunshine State Standards 2010 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (Common Core) – English Language Arts 2010 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (Common Core) – English Language Arts FCAT 2.0 FCAT 2.0 Fact Sheet and Spanish FCAT 2.0 Fact SheetSpanish 2013 FCAT 2.0 Writing and Spanish 2013 FCAT 2.0 WritingSpanish End of Course Exams Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Fact Sheet Algebra 1 EOC Assessment Fact Sheet Biology 1 EOC Assessment Fact Sheet Biology 1 EOC Assessment Fact Sheet Geometry EOC Assessment Fact Sheet Geometry EOC Assessment Fact Sheet 2013 U.S. History EOC Assessment Fact Sheet 2013 U.S. History EOC Assessment Fact Sheet 2013 Civics EOC Assessment Field Test Fact Sheet 2013 Civics EOC Assessment Field Test Fact Sheet PARCC vs. FCAT A Parent’s Guide To How New Common Core Tests Are Different From FCAT A Parent’s Guide To How New Common Core Tests Are Different From FCAT 30