Osteoporosis Emily J. Pablo P. Michael E.
DEFINITION Osteoporosis: Its characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue
HISTORY/ORIGIN John Hunter discovered the cause of Osteoporosis which is remodeling. Remodeling is when a new bone is laid in the body the old one is absorbed or destroyed.
Signs/Symptoms Some symptoms of osteoporosis is pain, height loss, sudden and severe back pain, thinned bones or broken bones. Normally, by the time the symptoms are apparent Osteoporosis is already advanced. Having a family history of Osteoporosis, being white or Asian, being small, thin and old.
Treatment/Managing the Problem It is difficult to rebuild a bone completely that has been weakened by osteoporosis. Ways to help is to: Quit smoking Decrease alcohol intake Eat a balanced diet of adequate calcium and vitamin D Don’t do exercise that may injure weakened bones but exercise regularly Take medicine that increases bone formation
WOW 1 In US 10 million people have osteoporosis.
WOW 2 One in two Caucasian women will fracture a bone due to osteoporosis in her lifetime.
WOW 3 Osteoporosis is not a condition exclusive to the elderly – it can strike at any age
Citations A., Mikio A. "What Are Osteoporosis and Osteopenia? Who Do They Affect?" WebMD - Better Information. Better Health. Wedmb, 7 Mar Web. 30 Jan Shiel Jr., William C. "Osteoporosis Treatment, Medications, Symptoms, Signs, Prevention, Causes, Risk Factors and Diagnosis by MedicineNet.com." Medicinenet.com. Web. 30 Jan
Citation Cont. "Nutrition for Everyone: Basics: Calcium and Bone Health | DNPAO | CDC." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 6 Apr Web. 30 Jan Bronson, Mary H., and Don Merki. "Osteoporosis." Glencoe Health. New York: Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, Print.