Early Literacy Learning Model: Additional Practice Exercises for Home Visitors about Everyday Literacy Activities Distance Learning Events brought to you by the Center for Early Literacy Learning (CELL) 1
What are additional practice exercises for home visitors? Created specifically for those who work with families Cover the four main components of the CELL early literacy learning model Utilize the Participatory Adult Learning Strategies (PALS) approach to learning 2
Additional Practice #1: Everyday Literacy Activities Think of a child you work with and complete the Interest-Based Everyday Literacy Activity Checklist. You can get the checklist from our tools page located herehere Thinking about this child, make a list of activities that you think should be added to the checklist 3
Additional Evaluation #1: Everyday Literacy Activities Do the activities you propose to include: ـBuild on the interests of your child? ـInclude literacy learning opportunities? ـOffer language and print-related learning opportunities? Identify whether the activities you propose to include are more formal or informal. What could you do to make the child’s favorite activities more literacy-rich? 4
Additional Reflection #1: Everyday Literacy Activities We strongly encourage you to reflect on the additional practice that you just completed Reflecting assists you to determine your level of knowledge and the outcome of your practice To help you reflect about everyday literacy activities, print and complete the checklist located on our tools page located herehere 5
Additional Practice #2: Everyday Literacy Activities Read the CELL Act Natural Parent Practice Guide vignettes and write down how you could make the activities happen more frequently (breadth) and how you could expand on early literacy learning within the activities (depth) 6
Additional Evaluation #2: Everyday Literacy Activities Were the everyday literacy activities: –Part of the child’s everyday life experiences? –Likely to help the child practice emerging literacy abilities and develop new ones? Could the everyday literacy activities: –Provide interest-based literacy learning opportunities? –Happen often? –Allow the child to try to use language in different ways? 7
Additional Reflection #2: Everyday Literacy Activities We strongly encourage you to reflect on the additional practice that you just completed Reflecting assists you to determine your level of knowledge and the outcome of your practice To help you reflect about everyday literacy activities, print and complete the checklist located on our tools page located herehere 8
Additional Practice #3: Everyday Literacy Activities During a visit this week, choose a family in which you will use the CELL Early Literacy Learning Activities for My Child tool. You can get the tool from our tools page located herehere Talk with the family about their daily or weekly routines. Next, talk with the family about their child’s interests. Use the tool to identify and list ways in which the family may offer literacy rich experiences during daily or weekly routines that are based on the child’s interests. 9
Additional Evaluation #3: Everyday Literacy Activities Were the literacy activities: –Likely to help the child practice emerging literacy abilities and develop new ones? –Interest-Based? Could the literacy activities: –Happen often? –Allow the child to practice literacy in several ways? 10
Additional Reflection #3: Everyday Literacy Activities We strongly encourage you to reflect on the additional practice that you just completed Reflecting assists you to determine your level of knowledge and the outcome of your practice To help you reflect about everyday literacy activities, print and complete the checklist located on our tools page located herehere 11