Welcome To First Grade! Ms. O’Neil Mrs. Gregg Ms. Slough Mrs. Oakley Mrs. Peak Mrs. Hernandez Mrs. Stringer Ms. Clay (student teacher)
Welcome Welcome to First Grade! We are excited to have you and your child with us this year. We have a fun and busy year planned for your child. We consider ourselves, our students and their parents a team, and working together, we will make this an amazing year of growing and learning together!
Parents You are a vital part of the learning process. First grade is a year full of new experiences. It is important that we all work together for success. We appreciate all the help that you give your child at home and the help you give at school. If you can volunteer your time during the school day or would like to work from home let us know! There are many ways you can help out!
Student Responsibilities * Follow the school and classroom rules. (See our “Pond of Expectations”) * Return reading books and planners daily. * Do your best every day. * Make good choices.
Talk To Us! Contact us by phone, *, or notes through the planner. Our campus website has our teacher and team websites. Go to then select Roanoke, then click on Staff or Teams. *Sometimes the district filters will block s. If we have not responded to your in 24 hours, please call or send a note.
Conferences One in the fall. One in the spring. Others scheduled as needed.
Daily Schedule * 7:50Assembly * 10:55-11:25Lunch * 1:55-2:55 Specials/Conference * 2:50Dismissal
Lunch Parents are welcome! Tables for eating with your child are located right outside of the cafeteria, across from the music room. Food brought in can be provided for your child only. Students may not have friends sit with them if a parent is visiting. Please take this time to enjoy lunch with your student.
Birthdays Your child’s birthday will be recognized during morning assembly. Class birthday parties are not allowed, however, you may bring store bought cookies or cupcakes for the class to enjoy during recess right after lunch. Please bring wet wipes or napkins for clean up and a bag for trash.
Homework, Report Card and Progress Report Schedule Reading – minutes nightly! Homework will be given on Friday and will be due the following Thursday. Occasionally homework will be given during the week. Homework will start the week of Sept. 13 th. Progress Reports – middle of the each six weeks Report Cards – every Thursday following the end of the 6 week period. Starting in the next 6 weeks
Planners Please initial each night. Students need to return daily Notes to and from school in back pocket. Changes in transportation need to be in writing. Graded papers will be sent home in Homework (Friday) Folders. Please remove papers before sending the folder back on Monday.
Planner for grades 1 and 2 This planner is designed to assist children with their organizational skills as well as aide in the communication between school and home. We ask that parents or guardians look at the planners each night and discuss with their child events that occurred during the day as well as what homework needs to be completed. This is also an area where communication between you and your child’s teacher can occur. Each child is expected to keep a planner during the school year. The cost to replace a damaged or lost planner is $5.00. Important information is written on the dated lines. Communication occurs in the yellow boxes. Please initial each night showing you looked at the planner.
Field Trips Field trips are an important part of the learning experience. We are planning to go on several field trips this year. We always need parents to come and help on our trips.
Field Trips Continued... Some things to keep in mind when deciding to attend are: * Background checks are required for all parents who would like to attend. * Parents need to provide their own transportation and admission and/or parking costs * Only students enrolled in 1st grade at Roanoke Elementary are eligible to join us. We cannot take younger siblings with us. * Students must ride the bus to and from the field trip site with their class. * Your role on this day is to help with the learning experience and the students. * Please do not plan on buying souvenirs, extra food or gifts at the field trip site.
Toys At School Those backpacks hold a lot of things! Sometimes items other than school supplies and books make their way into backpacks. Please remember that toys from home are not allowed at school. They could to get lost or stolen. We have plenty of things to keep your child busy all day!
First Grade Curriculum Reading Word Analysis Writing Math Science Social Studies
Title I School-Parent Compact Each school receiving funds under Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) must develop a written school-parent compact. This compact is part of the school’s written parental involvement policy. It outlines how the school staff, parents, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement. Signing this compact means the school and parents will build a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards.
Roanoke Elementary School Teacher/Parent/Student Compact Commitments for each party Distributed & signed during parent conferences Empowering children to achieve their dreams.
AS A TEACHER OF ROANOKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, I AGREE TO… Provide high quality instruction in a way that will motivate and encourage all children. Attend and implement staff development regarding best teaching practices. Hold parent-teacher conferences at least twice per school year, and be accessible by phone, , and school planner for consultations regarding the child’s achievement. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress, including 3-week progress reports, 6-week report cards, and on-going assessment of daily work as reflected in the “Friday Folder”. Provide parents with opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s classroom and observe classroom activities.
AS A PARENT OF ROANOKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, I AGREE TO… Make sure my child is rested, on time, and prepared for school each day. Know how my child is doing in school by communicating with teachers by planner, phone, or . Monitor my child’s homework and make sure study time is in a quiet place. Limit TV viewing and read together daily with my child. Be an active participant in my child’s education.
AS A STUDENT OF ROANOKE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, I AGREE TO… Come to school rested and ready to learn with the necessary supplies. Make a total effort to do schoolwork and homework in a quality manner, and ask for help when I need it. Share papers, school planner, and Friday Folder with my parents, and return signed papers & notes to my teacher. Read on my own and with my family every day. Be respectful of myself and all members of Roanoke Elementary School.
Myles Myles is our frog friend in the classroom that helps us solve problems and watches us while we learn. He loves school!
Thank you for coming! Have a wonderful evening!