Illinois Height Modernization Sheena K. Beaverson
Program Goals Illinois Geodetic Control Establish comprehensive network of survey benchmarks. Airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) Provide stewardship for existing data. Acquire new data.
Steering Committee Illinois Department of Transportation Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Department of Natural Resources Illinois Natural History Survey Illinois State Archaeological Survey Illinois State Water Survey United States Geological Survey USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
ILHMP: Start of Year 1 In Year 1, Illinois was in the bottom 10 states, with respect to height information. LiDAR and derivative elevation data non-existent. 3 counties acquired, data access limited. Estimate 50% of all known benchmarks destroyed. Closer to 60%, plus revision of 30% known elevations Multiple vertical datums in use (40+). Adjustments to North American Vertical Datum (NAVD88) complex.
ILHMP: Project Years 1-3 Years 1-3: funded by federal appropriations. Supported by Congressman Johnson, Congressman LaHood, Congressman Shock, Senator Durbin and also NGS. Year 1: funded $300,000 Year 2: funded $725,000 Year 3: funded $800,000 Total of $1.9M in funding directly to ISGS. IDOT a project partner.
ILHMP: Project Years 4-8 Year 4: Federal Highway Administration, State Planning and Research (SPR) funding. Year 4: funded $3,500,000 Option to renew up to 4 times at same rate. Funding extends through June 30, Total of $17.5M directly to IDOT. Intergovernmental Agreement from IDOT to ISGS.
ILHMP: Project Years 6 Year 6: $885,000 funds for airborne LiDAR Illinois Department of Resources Office of Water Resources Kankakee County, Illinois Will County, Illinois Intergovernmental Agreements with ISGS. Made possible because of new UIUC policy offering flexibility in establishing vendor contracts.
ILHMP: Project Years 1-8 Total of $20M in funding, plus: LiDAR from IDOT, IDNR-OWR, FEMA, NRCS, USGS, USACE, Illinois Counties. $50,000 pilot project from USGS for Boone and Winnebago County for LiDAR data stewardship. IDOT in-kind services.
Project Milestones
ILHMP: Geodetic Leveling Program Years 1-5 1,515 new benchmarks 367 existing benchmarks 1,705 miles of leveling Program Year 6 (current) installation of 671 new 138 existing benchmarks 700 miles of geodetic leveling
Illinois Geodetic Control
Project Milestones
Statewide LiDAR: What do we have? Available for: green, brown counties blue river corridors Acquired for: tan county Contracted Spring 2014: gray counties
Statewide LiDAR: How current is it? Acquired over 11 years. Illinois LiDAR 01/2008 – 04 counties 01/2012 – 22 counties 07/2013 – 70 counties 10/2014 – 81 counties Update map: 2014 acquisitions
Statewide LiDAR: How is data quality? 3DEP Quality Level 3 Majority of data 3DEP Quality Level 2 lowest parameters 4 counties, 2 projects 3DEP Quality level 2 highest parameters 1 county, 2 projects Update map: 2014 acquisitions
Statewide LiDAR: Who acquired it? Acquired by 8 vendors. AeroMetric Quantum Spatial Continental Mapping Merrick & Company Photo Science Sanborn Surdex Wilson & Company Woolpert Update map: 2014 acquisitions
Statewide LiDAR: What did it cost? Contracts funded by: IDOT IDNR-OWR ISGS (ILHMP) Counties FEMA NRCS USACE USGS Update map: 2014 acquisitions
Advice to other States, Challenges
Statewide LiDAR: Who can contract? Attempting to acquire and process data with monies tied to 1-year fiscal period is risky. IDOT, ISGS,USGS contracting mechanisms in place. 4-8 months to set up agency agreements, transfer funds months to establish contract for well-defined project with selected vendor. All of the above tied to state or federal fiscal year, paperwork deadlines, competitive advertisement rules. Inability to complete paperwork has caused loss of funding. Rainy or early spring can pre-empt a project.
Statewide LiDAR: Who can contract? ISGS LiDAR and Photogrammetry Retainers ISGS ran competitive process to select up to 2 vendors to serve on retainer. Retainer contracts can be renewed for up to three 1-year periods. Surdex Quantum Spatial Each retainer limited to: No more than $1M in projects in a single fiscal year. No more than $500,000 per project (formerly $100,000). Best option for utilizing short-term monies.
ILHMP: Year 6 Our ranking has improved dramatically. Top 15 states for % of state covered by LiDAR. A rough estimate. 15 th of 49 states for number of leveled heights. Publishing of Year 5 data along Mississippi River will move us into top 10, by # of leveled heights within the state NGS poster at the ESRI International User Conference
Number of Leveled Heights States listed by: NGS Funded Y/N Alphabetically Could this information be published by NGS annually, ranked by # vertical marks? Want to illustrate program impacts over time.
ILHMP: Progress Maps LiDAR Status map series currently in development Companion series for geodetic leveling, similar to Minnesota maps. Benchmarks by decade Last reported, by decade Who reported (state, local, county, private) Vertical, horizontal, 3D
2014 GPS on Bench Marks NGS bench mark priorities … for Illinois Could NGS show estimated Geoid accuracy 5 years ago? 2010? Comparison would be helpful.
Sheena K. Beaverson Illinois State Geological Survey Illinois Natural Resources Geospatial Data Clearinghouse
Keywords “Illinois” and “Height”
USGS 30meter DEM Pecatonica River, Winnebago County Illinois
LiDAR Bare Earth DEM Pecatonica River, Winnebago County Illinois