Grey is a colour used to show elegance and respect. Purple is used to show wealth, royalty and nobility whilst gold is a prestige colour used to show expsive things. Together, the colours portray a prestige product (the magazine) is special and precious. The plain background brings all of the attention to the man in the forground. The background also trys to show the simplicity and elegance of the magazine. They have used a medium shot of the man in the photograph, which is also at eye level. They have done this to reveal the mans facial expressions and also gives him most of the attention. His expressions reflect the genre and type of magazine that he is in, which is formal and reasonably serious. The cover line along the bottom of the magazine front cover is also eye catching because it has the important contents of the magazine on display. The white writing is also opposite to the purple, which makes it more attractive to the reader. The guitar in the hands of the man suggests that the magazine has a musical influence. The influence continues to the cover line where it mentions music reviews. This also suggests that the school that the magazine is for could be a music school
The Sixth sense uses mostly white and grey colours for the background of the magazine. These colours represent elegance, humility, purity and innocence. Together it makes the magazine front cover seem pure and a clean magazine. The mise-en-scene of the magazine shows the woman holding a book, which suggests that the contents will include information about books. On the other hand, she is also wearing a large, pink cowboy hat, suggesting that parts are also informal and that the magazine doesn’t take itself too seriously. The photograph is of a girl wearing a shirt that says: ‘I <3 Blackpool, which could reinforce and reveal where the school is from The magazine uses a rhetorical question as a language device in order to attract customers and its audience. It makes the audience think and will want them to read on. The front cover of the magazine uses a medium shot. This means that they can fit the whole of the woman in and show everything that she is wearing, which is a white T-Shirt and black trousers. They have probably picked these colours to emphasise on the pink hat and words on the T-Shirt.
The leafy background suggests that the school is set in a rural location that has a natural feel to it. The blue headline or title of the magazine also reflects this because blue represents peace and tranquillity, usually associated with forest areas. The white in the title and the writing down the right hand side also further this image of tranquillity because white represents purity and innocence. It seems that the magazine focus’s on mostly on school events and school life, which is probably why it uses formal language on the front cover. The magazine front cover discusses some of its contents in the pink shape. This shape attracts its audience because it uses a larger font than other parts and the pink is also eye catching in comparison to the other colours on the front cover. The contents would also appeal to its audience because it would make the reader, depending on whether they were a member of that particular school, feel unified with the magazine because their name would be mentioned. The mise-en-scene of the magazine shows a girl in formal, work attire. She is wearing a smart dress, a blazer and is holding folders and books. This reflects the magazine and further suggests that it is a formal magazine that also predominately focuses on school events.