Tweez 200si System Aresis Advanced Research Instrumentation Solutions
1. Technical leadership
Key technical parameters Resolution and accuracy Uniformity (of intensity / trap stiffness) Linearity (of AOD response) System stability Speed (ghost trap elimination)
Resolution and accuracy - definition Δ Resolution: Accuracy: 12 δ = δ(t) 1 1 how precisely we can regulate relative distance between two traps (1 and 2) how precisely we can hold the trap in one position
Resolution – Tweez 200si performance Relative distance between two traps of which one is sine modulated with amplitude 100 nm and frequency 1Hz. Power spectrum of mean square displacement between the two traps. Trap positioning resolution in Tweez 200si is < nm - well below the detection limit of particle’s position resolution.
Accuracy – managing thermal drift Positions of trap 1 (at X1) and trap 2 (at X2) are slowly drifting (~4 nm/min). Relative distance of trap 1 (at X1) and trap 2 (at X2) remains stable with time (~0.05 nm/min).
Uniformity (of intensity / trap stiffness) Deviation of the AOD response reduced from ~30% to below 1%. How uniform is the trap stiffness over the working field?
Linearity (of AOD response) Deviation from linearity of the AOD response is reduced to below 1%. How linear is the trap stiffness with respect to AOD RF driving power?
Stability and speed 1. Managing positional noiseTweez 200si technological solution High stability RF generatorHigh-stability time base (10 -6 ppm) Mechanical stability -Thermal drift -Acoustic noise Optical design (short optical path and geometry of the set-up) Mechanical design (compact, single block machined aluminum construction) Pointing stability of laserFiber laser 2. Managing intensity noiseTweez 200si technological solution Amplitude stability of laserActive laser power stabilization (<0,1%) 3. Managing speedTweez 200si technological solution High trap-to-trap switching frequency Up to 100 kHz via digital signal processing (DSP) and field programmable gate array (FPGA) hardware + prevention of ghosting
Ghost-trap elimination Tweez 200si system Ghost traps are reduced from relative intensity of 25% to below 0.1%. How effectively are the ghost traps eliminated at high trap-to-trap switching rates?
2. Integrated design
Integrated design of Tweez 200si system Tweez 200si Control Unit (TCU) Tweez 200si IR Laser Unit (TILU) Tweez 200si Optical Unit (TOU) Tweez 200si mounted on Nikon Eclipse TE 2000 with TIRF module installed.
Tweez 200si TCU and TILU TCU TILU Size of both units mounted on each other: 430 mm x 300 mm TCU connected to PC via USB TCU connected to TOU via RF and control cables TILU connected to TOU via optical fiber
Tweez 200si TOU Features of TOUTweez 200si Benefits Optical module made from a solid block of a high quality machined aluminium Stability and low mechanical noise Completely closed systemNo cleaning of optics required No (re)alignment of optics required Compatibility with other microscope add- ons Enhancing versatility of applications
Tweez 200si mounts directly on a microscope body Slika Stran 2 v prospektu levo spoda, Lahko še slika, ki pokaže, kako je TWEEZ povezan z Nikonom Key benefits: Complete turn-key system Compatible with Nikon microscope add-ons (TIRF, confocal, etc.) Ports to other Nikon modules remain open
Intuitive and powerful Tweez 200si software Features of Tweez 200si softwareTweez 200si benefits Easy-to-use interfaceEffective control over trapping patterns - easy manual manipulation of optical traps - easy automatization Open architectureFull control by a third party Tweez 200si can be controlled via TCP by user- written control software => tailoring to demands of a particular experiment Tweez 200si advanced manipulation features extended trapping patterns in the form of: point traps – single diffraction limited laser spot, complex traps – user defined pattern of laser spots. trap automation in the form of: manual traps – moved and adjusted manually (mouse control), automated traps – trap is moved (rotated/scaled if it is a complex trap) automatically on a user defined path.
Tweez 200si control window example Screen shot shows three traps. Trap 1 is a complex trap (green square pattern) periodically moved, scaled and rotated on a circular path. Traps 2 and 3 are manual traps moved with mouse cursor. 4 Examples of software use (movie)
3. Customer support
Customer support - Technical consulting (choice of microscope components, e.g. objective etc.) - Training - hotline - Remote software and firmware upgrades - 1 year limited warranty on materials and craftsmanship - Fast service times