Introduction to Second Timothy


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Second Timothy Lesson 1 Introduction to Second Timothy Greeting Workbook by Reg Ginn Pages 1-7

The History: Paul preaches in Lystra and Derbe on first missionary journey (Acts 14:6,7) He was driven out of Iconium (Acts 13:50) and was stoned and left for dead at Lystra (Acts 14:19) Paul comes to Lystra and Derbe in Acts 16:1 and finds Timothy already a disciple, well reported of good works Timothy was circumcised because of the Jews (Acts 16:1-3)

The History: Timothy joins Paul in Athens when he was sent to Thessalonica (1Thess. 3:1, 2) He was with Paul in Corinth coming from Macedonia (Acts 18:5) Timothy is mentioned in the salutation of both of the letters to the Thessalonians He was with Paul on the third missionary journey, was present at Ephesus, and went into Macedonia (1Cor. 16:10; Acts 19:22) Timothy was included in Paul’s letter to the Romans (Rom. 16:21)

The History: Timothy was one of those who went with Paul to Jerusalem with the contribution for the poor saints (Acts 20:4) He shared some of the time with Paul in his Roman imprisonment since he is mentioned in Paul’s letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon

The Greeting: Paul wrote two letters “to Timothy, my own son in the faith” (1Tim. 1:2; 2Tim. 1:2) Paul also said Timothy was “…as a son with his father, he has served with me in the gospel” (Phil. 2:22) Paul was an apostle by the commandment of God and of Christ (2Tim. 1:1)

The Circumstances: Paul wrote both First and Second Timothy while in prison Both letters were written to the “young” preacher Timothy The question arises: Was this letter written during his first and only imprisonment in Rome, or during a second imprisonment which is not recorded in Acts? This question does not affect our study of the letter itself but deserves further study.

The Circumstances: Some scholars conclude that both were written during Paul’s first imprisonment: With no mention in Acts, there was not a second Timothy was still “young” (indicating a short period between the two letters) No one stood with Paul at first but later some returned to him as he wrote the second letter to Timothy

The Circumstances: Some scholars conclude that this letter was written during Paul’s second imprisonment: Paul had an entirely different outlook about his release in the second letter In the first imprisonment, several offered him comfort and assistance. In the second, those individuals are missing (first hearing at his second imprisonment) Timothy and Mark was with Paul when Colossians was written; now Timothy is in Ephesus and Mark was not in Rome. Demas was with Paul but now he had forsaken Paul and gone to Thessalonica

The Circumstances: Some scholars conclude that this letter was written during Paul’s second imprisonment: All, except Luke, had deserted him by now Erastus stayed in Corinth (another trip Paul made to Corinth) Trophimus left sick in Miletus (another trip Paul made to Miletus) Paul left books and a cloak in Troas (a few years since Paul was in Troas so another visit is probable) Early secular writers affirm that Paul was released and returned to Rome a second time Paul felt his life was short in this letter

The Place: So Paul was in imprisoned Rome Timothy was still in Ephesus teaching and defending the pure gospel

The Time: It is generally thought that Paul was executed in 67 or 68 A.D. Paul said his departure was “at hand” His death may have been part of the cover-up of the fire in Rome which Nero started yet blamed Christians

The Imprisonment: Luke's account of Paul’s work ended after Paul had been imprisoned for two whole years (Acts 25:30) It is speculated that Paul returned to the island of Crete at Titus’ request when he learned of the persecutions of the Christians in Rome (Titus 1:5) Paul wanted Titus to come to him in Nicopolis (Titus 3:12) Then, he was arrested a second time by the Roman authorities because he became active in support of the Christians there

The Purpose: Paul’s urgent request for Timothy to come to him as soon as possible, hopefully “before winter” (2Tim. 4:21) He wanted Timothy to bring Mark with him (2Tim. 4:11) Only Luke was with him when he wrote the second letter

The Significance: This was the last recorded message of the apostle Paul before his death To a young minister of the gospel, this epistle is invaluable Paul selected topics that lie nearest his heart, and that he deems most important

The Theme: Second Timothy is a highly personal letter Even though Paul wanted Timothy to come to him immediately, Timothy had things to do in Ephesus for the church and with little time to do them Paul offered comfort and encouragement to help the young preacher meet his responsibilities in the gospel If Paul was executed before Timothy arrives, these will be the last words to Timothy These will be the “FAMOUS LAST WORDS” of Paul

The Outline: “FAMOUS LAST WORDS” Chapter One I. Greeting--1:1,2 II. Remembering Timothy--1:3-5 III. “Stir up...”--1:6,7 IV. “Share...”--1:8-12 A. Suffering for gospel--1:8,12 B. God’s purpose--1:9-11 V. “Hold fast...”--13-18 A. Sound words--1:13,14 B. With others’ help--1:15-18

The Outline: “FAMOUS LAST WORDS” Chapter Two I. “Be strong...”--2:1,2 A “Endure...”--2:3-8 B. Paul’s example of enduring--2:9,10 C. Basic truths about enduring--2:11-13 II. “Present..”--2:15 A. “Remind...”--2:14 B. “Shun and Avoid...”--2:16-18; 23,24 C. “Depart...”--2:19-21 D. “Flee..” --2:22 E. “Correct...”--2:25,26

The Outline: “FAMOUS LAST WORDS” Chapter Three I. “Know...”--3:1-9 A. Perilous times--3:1-8 B. Folly will be manifest--3:9 II. “Follow...”--3:10-17 A. Paul’s example--3:10-13 B. Paul’s teaching--3:14 C. Timothy’s early training--3:15-17

The Outline: “FAMOUS LAST WORDS” Chapter Four I. “Preach...”--4:1-8 A. The word--4:1.2 B. Filling a need--4:3.4 II. “Filfill...” 4:5 III. “Come...” 4:6-16 A. When--4:9, (21) B. Why--4:6-8, 10-16 1. Paul’s demise--6-8 2. Paul’s isolation--10-16

The Outline: “FAMOUS LAST WORDS” Chapter Four   IV. “[The Lord] Stood...”--4:17,18 A. For “full” preaching--4:17a B. For Gentile hearing--4:17b C. For future deliverance--4:18 V. Closing--4:19-22 A. Personal remarks--4:19-21 B. Farewell--4:22