What attracts people to extreme environments?
Antarctica What is extreme tourism? Dangerous landscapes Remoteness Shock/adventure tourism Niche market Adrenaline junkies (not that much here, though) A very fast growing type of tourism
What are the target market like? Around 30 Unmarried No children Wealthy Happy to use the internet/smart phone to make booking
The Sahara Desert
Inca Paths towards Macchu Picchu – Cusco
Extreme tourism in Antarctica Produce a case study power point of extreme tourism in Antarctica. Make sure you emphasise: 1How this environment manages to cope with the impact of tourism. (Damage may still be done to it, though) 2Outline the attractions of Antarctica and the sort of people who are attracted to a holiday there. 3 Make sure you show that you are aware that this type of extreme environment is fragile and can be spoilt by tourism.