A cruise ship in the pristine wilderness of Antarctica, where demand for trips is so high there are waiting lists for 2010/11 onment.html
A population density map of the world Which areas of the world have few people? Why?
Extreme environments are susceptible to environmental damage from the development of tourism · What is an extreme environment? ·What are the attractions of extreme environments to tourists? ·Why is there an increased demand for adventure holidays? ·What is the impact of tourism on extreme environments? Answer question 1 on page 247
Antarctica’s first tourists arrived in In those days, visitor numbers were very small. But today, thanks to an increase in cruise ships, about 28,000 tourists visit the continent every year - more than three times the number that visited 15 years ago. Antarctica is no place to get a suntan, and temperatures are freezing all year round. What’s more, there are no restaurants, shops, theatres or nightclubs. So why do people go there?
GisVFboU Happy Feet! google: Antarctica Holiday.... When? Where? How? Why? What? COST? My Antarctic Holiday
m What does this graph tell you?
Gentoo penguins on Deception Island, Antarctica. Environmentalists have called for a cap on the number of ships that can sail into Antarctic waters Tourists explore the beach in Antarctica from which the explorer Ernest Shackleton left Elephant Island for South Georgia Island What are the impacts of tourism on Antarctica? animals- especially seals and penguins... shipping- oil spills, waste disposal Fragile landscape - risk of damage to flora eg fragile lichens What are the fears for the future development of tourism?
Environments ·Why is the Antarctic becoming more popular as a tourist destination? ·What are the environmental impacts of tourism in Antarctica? ·How is Antarctica protected? ·What are the potential threats in the future?