Anesthesia for Drug Abusers Clinton Piper, MS3
- Narcotics - Barbs and Benzos - Hallucinogens - Amphetamines - Cocaine Anesthesia for Drug Abusers Nick Nolte, 2002
Narcotics - Heroin, Morphine, Meperidine, Fentanyl, etc Heroin OD? Find John Travolta and some adrenaline
- Anesthesia risks… - hypotension (from adrenal suppression) - perioperative respiratory depression --> avoid narcotic premedication - Chronic user --> Continue normal drug dose during procedure recovery - PTs often undertreated for pain...use aggressive dosing for analgesics - Avoid opioid antagonists (naloxone) Narcotics - Heroin, Morphine, Meperidine, Fentanyl, etc
- Inhaled anesthetics may need to be adjusted - Acute intoxication → decreases MAC of inhaled agents - Chronic use --> increases MAC - Minimal organ sys changes (vs narcotics) - Hepatic enzyme induction --> increased IV anesthetic requirements - Abrupt withdrawl --> delirium, seizures, hypotension - Overdose - NG lavage and urine alkalinization Barbs and Benzos
- Hallucinogens have long lasting effects 2 – 8 hrs. - Watch for autonomic disturbances (mediated by hypothalmamus) - Tachycardia, HTN, increased secretions, N/V, rare seizures - Treat w alpha and beta blockade - Stress of surgery/anesthesia --> psychotic reaction (flashbacks) - Rx: Thorazine, diazepam, barbs Hallucinogens - LSD, Mushrooms (Psilocybin), Mescaline, etc
Which acceptable is slang for Amphetamines?? A. Black Molies, RoadDope, Turkey B. L.A. Turnarounds, SparklePlenty, Bombido C. Benny and the Jets, Cartwheels, Jam Cecil D. Truckdrivers, Snow Seals, MinnieBennie Pop quiz hotshot...
Which acceptable is slang for Amphetamines?? A. Black Molies, RoadDope, Turkey B. L.A. Turnarounds, SparklePlenty, Bombido C. Benny and the Jets, Cartwheels, Jam Cecil D. Truckdrivers, Snow Seals, MinnieBennie ANSWER: ALL OF THE ABOVE Pop quiz hotshot...
- Stimulate alpha and beta receptors, increase catecholamine release/inhibits reuptake - Acute intoxication → increases MAC - Chronic abuse - decreases MAC (opposite of Barbs/Benzos) - blunts response to indirect-acting vasopressors - hypotension may require epinephrine - Extremely high doses → toxic delirium, coma, cerebral hemorrhage, circulatory collapse - Rx: Thorazine or Haldol; alpha and beta block, NG lavage, urine acidification Amphetamines
- Stimulates dopaminergic neurons, inhibits NorEpi reuptake - Autonomic effects...HTN, Tachy, Arrythmias, Hyperpyrexia - Inc risk of cardiac events and seizures during surgery - Acute intoxication → increases MAC - Volatile anesthetics are acceptable - Avoid Ketamine, gallamine, and pancuronium - aggressive sedation with barbs/benzos/haldol Cocaine
- Narcotics - Don't undertreat pain - Watch for hypotension/respiratory depression - Barbs and Benzos - Adjust MAC (Acute --> dec; Chronic --> inc) - Inc IV anesthetics (hepatic enzyme induction) - Hallucinogens - watch out for inc. secretions and flashbacks - helps to play Grateful Dead in OR - Amphetamines - Adjust MAC (Acute --> inc; Chronic --> dec) - Cocaine - Adjust MAC (Acute --> inc) - Avoid Ketamine Keys to 'Winning'