As Published on the DePuy Hip Recall WebsiteDePuy Hip Recall
If you believe that DePuy Orthopedics hip replacement recall affects you, you may wonder if you should join one of the class action lawsuits against DePuy or seek your own hip replacement lawyer to bring your own individual lawsuit. It’s a good question.
In a class action, a group of plaintiffs joins forces to bring a single legal action against a defendant. Class actions are especially attractive in product liability cases. They have certain advantages:
They are efficient and save money because there is just one case to prepare. They are fair. If a defendant has limited resources or insurance, a class action ensures that all plaintiffs get a share of any compensation granted. They can change the behavior of a defendant. A large number of people who experienced harm individually may want to bring a claim for the common good. They allow stronger cases to carry weaker ones. Often, plaintiffs are more likely to succeed as a group.
It’s in your best interest to speak with a hip replacement lawyer before you consider joining one of the class action lawsuits against DePuy. You deserve adequate compensation that corresponds to your losses and expenses and fits your family’s needs. Keep in mind that successful individual lawsuits usually produce greater individual compensation than a class action.
We do not believe that anyone seeks a lawsuit frivolously or just for money. If you think you have reason to sue, then you have a story to tell, the story of your pain and suffering and loss. You want to be heard. You want justice. The experienced and knowledgeable attorneys of the Rottenstein Law Group can tell you if you have the basis for a strong hip replacement lawsuit, one that will provide fair compensation for you.