Monitoring & Evaluation Of Delivering as One By Cyra Syed M&E Coordination Officer RCO
2 Oversight & Reporting Function 5 TWGs & ITWG (PA) Joint Progress Reports and Joint Annual Work plans developed 21 TF (CA) Inputs provided for finalization of AWP and M&E plan 5 JPSCs Progress reviewed and AWP endorsed OMT & BH Joint AWP Developed and progress reports produced Inputs from Donors, Government & HQ ONE UN M&E NETWORK United Nation Country Team High level Committee
3 Role of M&E Network Tools Development Facilitation and Technical Advice Knowledge Management and Database
4 M&E requirements of Key Partners M&E of DaO at UNDG -One UN Report -Country led evaluations (6 pilots) -External Evaluation of DaO pilots Donors consultations for One UN report Progress review by JPSCs and HLC
5 Achievements of M&E Network M&E Capacity Assessment Exercise conducted ToRs for M&E Network and Focal points Developed and endorsed by the Network Templates and guidance note developed on Joint Progress Reporting, Joint Annual Work plan and Joint Monitoring Plan Development of JP and OMT Joint AWP Facilitated Mapping exercise of Agency Reporting conducted Interface with DaO-MIS team
6 Status of Report 2009 and Annual Work Plan 2010 Joint Programmes Half yearly ReportAnnual Work plan 2010 Submitted by JPC In process by JPC StatusExpected date for finalization H&P 1, 4 & 6 2, 3 & 5Input from one PA awaited End of January Environment1, 2, 4 & 5JPC 3 AWP presented to Donors on 14 th Jan 2010 To be endorsed by JPSC/TF in Feb- March Education1, 4 & 62, 3 & 5 AWP prepared and shared with Joint TF To be endorsed by JPSC on 9 th Feb. ARP None JPC 1 & 2, 3, 4 In processTo be presented to TF by end of Feb. DRMNoneJPC 1 & 2 JPC 1 AWP Final, JPC 2 in process
7 Status of Joint Report None of the JP have completed the 6 monthly reports and the annual report is also due JPSOs and M&E focal points were not extended the required cooperation by CAs and PAs for producing this report.
8 Status of Joint Annual Workplan Each JP developed a slightly different model for WP In all instance agency country plans have been developed first and then ‘joint exercise with PA’ The average time to complete the exercise has been three months The education JP model is a good model to follow which included engagement with CCI, PA, government, provinces. What is missing in all instances is civil society engagement /input and appropriate consultation with CCI
9 Vision for DaO M&E 2012 Institutionalization of M&E by having: One Workplan One Monitoring and Evaluation Plan One Review One Report
10 M&E Network Plan for 2010 OutputActivities Enhanced capacity of M&E UN staff on RBM Develop a package of RBM of Joint Programmes with Consultant Roll out online and face to face training workshops M&E Network is strengthened to address the M&E needs of Joint programmes Consultations with external (consultations with Donors, Government (EAD/P&D) for discussion on current M&E systems and need assessment.) and internal partners (lobbying with HoA/CAs for reflection of support to M&E network in the ToRs and Annual Appraisal of focal points) DaO-MIS team supported in development of a robust planning and reporting tool for DaO activities. Discussion and finalization of M&E tools/templates and supporting regular upload of planning and progress on MIS
11 M&E Network Plan cont… Planning, implementation, and monitoring of One Programme facilitated Provide technical support in; Preparation of Joint Work Planning and Joint Monitoring plan Preparation of half yearly report preparation of Joint Annual Review preparation of JP Annual Report Mid term review of One Programme and external evaluation missions of DaO supported ToRs developed and shared with UNCT and review mission supported as required Mechanisms proposed for developing baselines for funded Joint Programme interventions for 2011 Discussions on availability of baseline data and consensus on addressing the gaps
12 M&E Events Planned RBM Capacity Building Trainings Launch of One Programme Workplan 2010 and M&E Plan One Programme Mid Term review workshop Workshop to Discuss the process of AWP 2011
13 M&E Capacity Assessment Exercise 2009 # Convening AgenciesNumber of JPCsM&E Capacities RC office Recommendations to UNCT in WHO2 (H&P JPC 2, JPC 4)One M&E Staff Dedicated M&E capacities at each agency level A team of 5 M&E staff recommended for CAs. (depending on the size and scope of programme) 2FAO 2 (ARP JPC 1, Environment JPC 3) One M&E Staff for Humanitarian prog. 3ILO1 (ARP JPC 2) 4UNFPA 2 (ARP JPC 3, H&P JPC 6) 5UNDP 3 (ARP JPC 4, DRM JPC1, Env, JPC 1) SMU partially responsible for M&E 6UNESCO 3 (Education JPC 2, 3 & 4) 7UNICEF 4 (Education JPC 1, Env. JPC 2, H&P JPC1 & 3)Full M&E Unit 8UNHABITA1 (Env. JPC 4) 9UNIDO1 (Env. JPC 5) 10UNAIDS1 (H&P JPC 5)One M&E Staff 11WFPNoneOne M&E Staff UNDP as an AA needs additional M&E capacities for One Fund monitoring and reporting.
14 UNCT Decisions Required 1.Dedicated M&E Capacities made available at PA/CA 2.Co-chairs provide strategic support and guidance for institutionalization of One M&E system; for e.g Resources allocated by JP for M&E Activities. Co-chairs/UNCT take collective decisions on JP Planning, Monitoring, Review and reporting. UNCT review the half yearly reports/annual report by end February 2010.
15 Thank you