F ASHION T RENDS I N T HE 1950’ S Name: Teresa Pham Leigha Bratton
F ASHION THAT WAS POPULAR IN THE 1950 S Brightly colored clothes and accessories Bikini’s were developed Either form fitting clothes or exaggerated shapes made with the help of petticoats, corsets, and brasiers.
B IG B RAND N AMES Coco Chanel was another major fashion designer in the 1950's, In contrast to popular full and flouncy skirts, Chanel began creating the boxy, now classic. The materials Chanel chose were always richly textured, which contributed to the finished product's high prices. Christian Dior's H-line of 1954, which consisted of a slender tunic-style suit with a slim skirt. Hubert Givenchy created a Parisian style dress in 1957 which he called the Sack. The Sack began the trend of straighter-waist dresses.
T HE EVOLUTION OF WOMEN ’ S STYLES Women began to favor casual, relaxed clothing over traditional dress rules. Some of the most admired new trends for women in the 1950's included button-up sweaters with simple necklines, fitted blouses, and full knee-length skirts. Most dresses were worn casually, and were accentuated with circle skirts, halter straps, or small collars
M EN ’ S F ASHION Maintained clothes with casual and modest colors, including dark blue, dark brown, and charcoal. Daring young man would wear pastel pink, popular were fitted vests, plaid flannels, and collared jackets. Cardigan sweaters were popular among athletes, and older men.
W OMEN ’ S A CCESSORIES The pillbox hat, first introduced by Balenciaga, became one of the trendiest accessories of the decade Some hats were covered in flower petals, while others were adorned with swirls of georgette. Gloves came in many colors and styles, clean gloves whose color was white or cream were the most favored
W OMEN H AIRSTYLES The Fifties look was usually achieved by an arduous process of pin curling and rolling. NO blow dryers in the 50s Actually slept in curlers and rollers.
M EN ' S H AIRSTYLES Apache -The hair was cut close cropped on the sides, while the center was a shaved strip. The Apache is sometimes referred to as the reversed Mohawk. Pompadour -The hair is mounted high in the front, swept up high over the forehead, while the sides of the hair is flatten out. Sideburns- which also was made famous by James Dean and Elvis Presley.
1950 S D RESSES F OR S ALE A DVERTISEMENT Prices: $6.00-$8.00 USD Prices vary to the design on pattern of the dress. Trapeze dress: a swinging dress almost triangular in shape and designed to be worn with low shoes and bouffant hairstyles. The Sack: straighter-waist dresses. Coco Chanel: long, slim, slender, and silky. ALSO MUCH MORE!!!
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