Writing our own discussion LO: to show my understanding of discussion writing and create a discussion
Finding information for a Discussion In the same way as you would look for information for the informative essay, you could try the following areas for information which would support arguments in the discursive essay - any relevant books from any library you can reach (check the non-fiction and reference sections) the internet magazines and newspapers television and video mums and dads and brothers and sisters and uncles and aunts and friends . . . . . . ! Other points You are expected to have a personal opinion - try to make clear your personal interest in the issues you are offering for discussion!
Planning your discussion The following basic structure should be employed for writing this essay. Provide an interesting introduction. Give a clear indication of your position, your stance in relation to the topic (are you 'for' or 'against' ?) Present your first argument, with supporting evidence. Present your second argument, with supporting evidence. Present your third argument, with supporting evidence, and so on (the number of paragraphs like this will depend on the number of arguments you can offer). Indicate, in a single paragraph, that there is another side to this argument, with some idea of the points likely to be made for the view(s) which are opposite to your own. Reiterate (state again) your position and conclude your essay. This plan is followed in the exemplar essay we looked at.
You can structure your work 2 ways: For/Against Intro: Animal testing is cruel and needs to stop. 1. Strongest argument & evidence Animals are tortured. 2. Second strongest argument & evidence Human deaths are decreasing, so testing on animals not needed 3. Weakest argument & evidence All beings should be treated fairly. 4. Counter arguments on your topic These animals help to find cures for disease. We cannot test certain drugs on humans because that would be murder. Conclusion: Even though animal testing is wrong, it has been needed in the past. But now that we have cell cloning, animal testing is no longer necessary. Balanced Intro: Animal testing is cruel and needs to stop. 1. Argument #1 Animals are tortured. 2. Counter argument These animals help to find cures for disease. 3. Argument #2 All beings should be treated fairly. 4. Counter argument We cannot test certain drugs on humans because that would be murder. Conclusion: Even though animal testing is wrong, it has been needed in the past. But now that we have cell cloning, animal testing is no longer necessary. OR
What tense will you use? Recount is about an event that happened, so you were using (or should have been) past tense and past continuous: Two years ago, I had the most horrific accident; I broke my leg and stayed at home for six months! It was so boring! My friend Polly wasn’t talking to me and I didn’t know why… Whereas, in a Discussion, you should be using present tense and present continuous: The problem with animal testing is that it is morally wrong! There may be some situations where you talk about the past during a Discussion, but do not use past tense the whole way through! Sure, animal testing has helped to cure some human diseases, but those animals suffered for our benefit.
Writing your discussion Look back at the discussion topics we came up with in class. You should have chosen one and written out a simple plan. Take that plan and now add to it. Does it fit the structure we have discussed in class? Your task for the rest of this lesson and the next, is to write up your discussion. Use all the tips and advice from our previous lessons!