Fully Automated, “Taskless,” Lecture Capture and Web Publishing System With little or no impact on faculty time
Automated lecture capture of live classes Creates a rich media and podcast-ready version of every lecture captured Records audio and computer and sometimes video of lectures –Audio – classroom installed microphone –VGA -anything going to the projector –Video – optional if a camera is installed Automatically post lectures to student Bb web sites
Other Institutions with History of Lecture Capture Impementation
Other institutions report that lecture capture : increased grades, particularly those of underperforming students Decreased withdrawals, Ds and Fs With little or no impact on faculty time
of surveyed Case Western Reserve students recommend using lecture capture 95% of Temple University students prefer lecture captured enabled classes 94% Reduction in D’s, F’s and W’s among students at UMass Lowell 10% “We type in notes, but even then you still can’t type as fast as the professor can talk, so you miss some things. And if you get notes from someone else, they’re just not as good as watching the professor.” Russell Harper, Law Student, UA-LR What they are saying about Lecture Capture “The feedback has been fantastic. We are podcasting a diverse set of courses but it seems to be especially helpful to students taking larger classes. Echo360 offers students additional access to course information that reinforces their classroom experience.” John Arpino, GW University
Another Example:Coppin State University (CSU) –Student grades in courses enhanced by lecture capture (both f2f and fully online formats) were positively correlated with students viewing time of the captured lectures. – Student withdrawal rates decreased when course delivery formats incorporated lecture capture.” - Chris Britton-Powell, Ph.D. Psychology Assessment, Coppin State University
Typical Screen Shot wi Optional Video (video is not usually deployed) and Captions Closed Captions are possible Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. Optional Video in selected classrooms Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.
Typical Screen shot- slide thumbnails, full slide and synchronized audio (no video) Slide thumbnails for navigation Synchronizes wi audio Full slide
Accessibility & Section 508 Compliance Supports closed captioning Volume control Screen-reader support VPAT available
Courses pre-scheduled for the entire term -Schedule managed by administrator -Integration with school scheduling system We Schedule Once for Quarter Instructors walk in and teach normally- no buttons to push or software to learn -Microphone required -Video optional -Full motion VGA capture Faculty Teach normally Capture starts and stops according to schedule. -Interactive, Web-based version of lecture instantly generated -Full motion VGA capture -Index points automatically generated It Captures automatically Students click link to review- within 20 minutes after class -Interactive navigation -PC or Mac -iPod, Video iPod, iPhone, MP3 Student Views Within Hours Captures repeated automatically every class session, all semester or ad-hoc lectures Show Blackboard course Automated synchronization of rich media content and distribution to web resources -Automated posting to the CMS It Automatically Distributes to Bb Automated Workflow
Lecture capture is a good match for: Lecture-style courses Courses that require a lot of review Courses that require memorization Courses where basic comprehension is an issue Courses where students are at risk 101 type foundation courses Large enrollment courses
How students use it Post-class review –To review a confusing point –To take notes –To clarify comprehension of the language While doing home work –To answer specific questions Test / quiz preparation After missing a class
East Bay Replay Faculty agreement: –All material is controlled by the faculty –Faculty may discontinue the recordings at any time –Only students in the course may view the material –Faculty may elect to keep or erase material at end of the quarter –Survey results will be shared with the faculty CSU East Bay Trials
7 courses 7 faculty Summer Quarter Pilot
CSU East Bay Summer Pilot Student Survey Results Correlate with those of Institutions Nationally
Do you agree that the lecture captures will help you in this course? 78% Agreed, 15% neutral, 6% disagreed
What Benefits do the lecture captures provide?
What effect might Lecture Capture have on your class attendance? 80% indicated no change or an increase 11% indicated may decrease attendance
If two sections of the same class were offered, would you choose to take the one that had lecture capture? 77% indicated Yes
Should CSUEast Bay continue to expand lecture capture capability to other courses? 89% indicate YES
UMASS Lecture Capture Findings Calculus courses had a success rate (a grade of C or better) 11 percent higher than their peers, and received 10 percent fewer Ds, Fs, or withdrawals. "Calculus 1 students overwhelmingly credited the ability to review lectures as playing a role in improving their understanding of calculus concepts," "The data indicates that EchoSystem lectures have played a part in better preparing students for Calculus 2, a prerequisite for succeeding in advanced engineering and other hard science majors." John Warner, director UMASS Lowell Center for Green Chemistry. "They use Echo360 to increase their understanding of the concepts and once they do, they achieve better grades and begin to believe in themselves. I can literally see it in their eyes; it lights a passion in them for the subject matter."
CSU East Bay uniquely positioned to implement lecture capture due to: Enterprise deployment of the Bb LMS Campus-wide Smart Classroom installations