Let’s get ready to measure!!! Metric Measurement Let’s get ready to measure!!!
Vocabulary beaker – a wide mouthed container with a pouring spout used in science labs graduated cylinder – a tall cylindrical shaped container used to measure the volume of a liquid volume – the amount of space something takes up milliliter (ml) – a small unit of measurement used when finding the volume of a liquid. 1000 ml = 1 liter Liter – (l) – a unit of measurement used when finding the volume of a liquid. Metric ruler – a tool used to measure length of an object up to 30 cm. meter stick – a tool used to measure length or distance
Vocabulary Millimeter – a small unit of measurement used when finding the length of a very small object. 10 mm. = 1 centimeter. 1000 ml. = 1 meter. centimeter (cm) – a unit of measurement used when finding length or distance. 100 cm = 1 meter. decimeter (dm) – a unit of measurement used when finding length or distance. 10 cm = 1 meter. meter (m) – a unit of measurement used when finding length or distance. It is the length of a meter stick. thermometer – a tool used to measure temperature Celsius – temperature scale in which 0 is the freezing point and 100 is the boiling point of water degrees – unit of measurement used when finding the temperature
Vocabulary estimate – approximation; a reasonable “guess-timate” mass – amount of matter (or stuff) in an object capacity – the volume a measured container can hold when full kilometer (km) – metric unit of distance, equaling 1000 meters gram (g) – metric unit of mass, about that of a paperclip milligram (mg) – 1000 mg = 1 gram kilogram (kg) – 1000 grams
Volume of a Liquid Tools - Graduated Cylinders & Graduated Beakers Units of Measurement liter, milliliter
Measurement with a Cylinder Written at the top of the cylinder, you will find the largest capacity that the cylinder can measure. It is important to determine what numbers the lines represent. 100 ml 50 ml
Now you try! In the next slide, notice the size of the two cylinders. Are they the same? What is different about them? Look at the numbers. Use skip counting to see if you can count each line correctly. Remember – each line represents a number. Try counting by ones, twos, or fives until you figure out the correct numbers. What numbers should be at the red arrows? Are they the same?
Skip Counting 20 ml 30 ml 20 ml 10 ml 10 ml
Did you figure out the correct numbers? 20 ml 30 ml 19 18 17 28 26 24 22 16 20 ml 15 14 13 12 11 18 16 14 12 10 ml 10 ml
Length/Distance Tools – Meter Stick or Metric Ruler Units of Measurement – meter, centimeter, millimeter, kilometer
How do I know which units of measurement to use? When we measure we want to be as exact as possible – so we use the unit of measurement that “fits” the size of the object we are measuring. To measure small objects, such as an ant, we use millimeters. Find the millimeter on your metric ruler. To measure small objects that are a bit bigger than an ant, we use the centimeter. Pencils can be measured in centimeters.
To measure large objects that fit inside a building we use meters To measure large objects that fit inside a building we use meters. A desk or the size of room can be measured in meters. To measure long distances, such as how far you travel on a trip, we use kilometers. Often we use a combination of units to help us be exact. For instance, a desk might measure 1 meter + 10 centimeters in length, therefore we would write our answer like this: 1m and 10 cm.
Size Matters! Millimeter Centimeter Meter Kilometer
Where should you start your measurement? Look closely at your ruler. Where is the 0? Some rulers do not start 0 at the edge of the ruler. Can you guess how many millimeters it is from the edge to the number 0? If you place the edge of your ruler at the beginning of the object you are measuring, will you have an accurate answer? Why or why not?
Start at Zero!!! 1 2 mm If 0 does not begin at the edge, do not begin at the edge. Start at 0. Place the beginning of the object you are measuring at the 0, so that your measurement can be accurate. What does the “mm” in the corner mean? Which unit of measurement is smaller, millimeter or centimeter? What unit of measurement is represented by the space between 0 and the first line? What unit of measurement is represented by the space between 0 and 1?
Fill in the blank. A __________________ measures the volume of a liquid. A __________ or ________ measures length. The unit of measurement for graduated cylinders is a _________ or __________. The unit of measurement for length can be _________ , _________, ________ or __________, depending upon size.
More Questions Which unit of measurement would you use for the length or distance of the following items? Ant Teacher’s Desk Distance between two cities Pencil
Temperature Tool – Celsius Thermometer Unit of Measurement – Degrees. The symbol for degrees is ° In Science, a Celsius thermometer is used. Some thermometers have both Celsius and Fahrenheit. C° represents Celsius. F° represents Fahrenheit.
Your Turn! Which side of the thermometer represents Celsius? How do you know? Find 0° on the Celsius side. Why are 10° and 20°below 0°? What does that mean? What is the freezing point for Celsius? What is the boiling point for Celsius?
What is similar?
Important Facts to Remember: 20 ml 30 ml Every line represents a number. To what number is the arrow pointing? Hint: Don’t forget to skip count!
Every space from one line to another represents a unit of measurement. What unit of measurement is the red arrow pointing to? What unit of measurement is the blue arrow pointing to? 1 2 mm
Sometimes TWO or more units of measurement are represented on ONE tool. See if you can find the following units of measurement on a Meter Stick: millimeter, centimeter, and decimeter.
The space from 10 to 20 represents this unit of measurement: decimeter The space between 5 and 6 represents this unit of measurement: centimeter How many millimeters are in one centimeter? The space between 1 and the first line after the number 1 represents this unit of measurement: millimeter. The space from 10 to 20 represents this unit of measurement: decimeter How many centimeters are in one decimeter?
Measure the items listed: Pencil to the nearest centimeter. Paperclip to the nearest millimeter. Length of teacher’s dry-erase board. (Use meters and centimeters in your answer.)
Let’s Measure What is the capacity of a small cup? Pour water into the cup filling it as close to the top without overflowing. Pour the water into the graduated cylinder. Record the volume of water measured.
Measuring Temperature Place a Celsius thermometer in a cup of room-temperature water and record the temperature. Place a Celsius thermometer in a cup of cold water and record the temperature. Place a Celsius thermometer in a cup of warm water and record the temperature. What is the difference in temperature between the warm and cold water?
Bonus Questions Use your Meter Stick to help you answer. How many centimeters are in one meter? How many millimeters are in one centimeter? How many millimeters are in one meter?