computer graphics & visualization Introduction
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Teaching Seminar: Graphics Algorithms – various topics Practicals:Graphics Programming I (Summer term) Graphics Programming II (Winter term) Vertiefungsgebiet Praktische Informatik Computer Grafik und Visualisierung
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group General info Contact Boltzmannstraße 3, finger 13, 2 nd floor, Room: Check the library for literatureCourse slides will be available on the net Login: pixar Password: reyes Diploma theses and project work Many topics are available Check the web Come by and talk to our staff directly
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Teaching Schedule Tue14: :45 MI Wed13: :00 MI Announcements, slides, notes
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Literature Books (general) Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison- Wesley, 2nd edition Watt, 3D Computer Graphics, Addision- Wesley Glassner, Principles of digital image synthesis, Morgan Kaufman
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Literature Books (specific) Woo et al., OpenGL Programming Guide, 3rd edition, Addision-Wesley Möller, Haines, Real-Time Rendering, 2nd edition, A.K. Peters LTD Eberly, 3D Game Engine Design, Morgan Kaufmann DeLoura et. al, Game Programming Gems 1 - 3, Charles River Media ShaderX Series GPU-Gems Series
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Outline of course You should know from CG: 2D Raster graphics colors, transparency, scan-conversion, clipping,... Introduction to 3D graphics 3D polygonal models, transformation- pipeline, occlusion, illumination, shading, texture mapping,...
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Outline of course Interactive image synthesis Interactive rendering (i.e. local illumination) DirectX/OpenGL – concepts and (syntax) Textures and mapping techniques Shadows, reflections Effects (fur, volumes, particle systems …) Programmable graphics hardware Scenengraph (high-level) APIs Physics based rendering Radiometric quantities, radiance-equation Radiosity Photon mapping BRDF (reflection properties of real material) Other Topics Image based rendering REYES High dynamic range imaging Point based rendering Image Compression, e.g. JPEG, MPEG, PNG, GIF
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Interactivity vs. Photorealism Realistic images („as a photo“) Only by physical simulation of Light emission and light transport Interaction between light and matter (reflection, scattering) Image synthesis (recording and perception) Very expensive (i.e. not interactive) Interactive graphics (not very realistic in general) Hardware support for „trivial“ functions Tricky approximations Games, virtual environments, training simulators Tend to become increasingly realistic
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group 3D Rendering Course: XNA Game Programming CG-Techniques - Step-By-Step
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Data Structures Models Images Videos 3D-Images Visualization Image Synthesis Image Analysis Computer Vision Segmentation Data processing Image Processing Definition: Computer graphics
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group RenderingRendering Modelling Animation VisualizationImaging Imaging and computer vision The manipulation of images and the extraction of object specific information from images Visualization Methods to visually represent the information content within large-scale multi- dimensional and/or multi-modality data sets Modelling The effective representation and efficient modification of geometric shape on a computer Animation and simulation The generation and representation of dynamic imagery on a computer The display of models and scenes on a computer Computer graphics areas
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group PixelRGBA PointsLinesPolygonsNormalsColors CurvesSurfacesVolumesMaterialIllumination Rendering Modelling static Animation dynamic Visualization semantic Computer graphics areas
computer graphics & visualization Image Synthesis – WS 07/08 Dr. Jens Krüger – Computer Graphics and Visualization Group Coming up