IPsec Performance Testing Terminology Document Michele Bustos, Ixia Tim VanHerck, Cisco Merike Kaeo, Merike Inc.
What is defined: 7. Term Definitions 7.1 Tunnel Configured Tunnel Established Tunnel Active Tunnel Terminated Tunnel 7.2 IPsec 7.3 IPsec Device Initiator Responder IPsec Client IPsec Server 7.4 ISAKMP 7.5 IKE 7.6 Security Association (SA) 7.7 IKE Phase Phase 1 Main Mode Phase 1 Aggressive Mode 7.8 IKE Phase Phase 2 Quick Mode IPsec Tunnel 7.9 Iterated Tunnels Nested Tunnels Transport Adjacency 7.10 Transform protocols Authentication Protocols Encryption Protocols 7.11 IPSec Protocols Authentication Header (AH) Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP) 7.12 Selectors 7.13 NAT Traversal (NAT-T) 7.14 IP Compression 7.15 Security Context.
What is defined (cont.): 8.Performance Metrics 8.1 Tunnels Per Second (TPS) 8.2 Tunnel Rekeys Per Seconds (TRPS) 8.3 Tunnel Attempts Per Second (TAPS) 9. Test Definitions 9.1 Framesizes Layer3 clear framesize Layer3 encrypted framesize Layer2 clear framesize Layer2 encrypted framesize 9.2 Internet Mix Traffic (IMIX) 9.3 Throughput IPsec Tunnel Throughput IPsec Encryption Throughput IPsec Decryption Throughput 9.4 Latency IPsec Tunnel Encryption Latency IPsec Tunnel Decryption Latency Time To First Packet
9.5 Frame Loss Rate IPsec Tunnel Encryption Frame Loss Rate IPsec Tunnel Decryption Frame Loss Rate 9.6 Back-to-back Frames Encryption Back-to-back Frames Decryption Back-to-back Frames 9.7 Tunnel Setup Rate Behavior Tunnel Setup Rate IKE Setup Rate IPsec Setup Rate 9.8 Tunnel Rekey Phase 1 Rekey Rate Phase 2 Rekey Rate 9.9 Tunnel Failover Time (TFT) 10. IKE DOS Resilience Rate What is defined (cont.):
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