Will The Pathogens Get Me? Langdon Area High School Health Careers Class
What is a Pathogen? A pathogen or germ causes infection and disease.
RABIES By: Howard Klingbeil and Steve Symons
What is Rabies? Rabies is an acute and Deadly viral infection of the central nervous system.
What Animals Carry Rabies? Raccoons Skunks Foxes Bats Ferrets Dogs Cats
The Symptoms of Animals Very excitable Vicious attacks Biting Drooling Lack of fear Aggressiveness Muscular dysfunction Death
The Symptoms of Humans Low grade fever Pain at the bite sight Swallowing difficulty Restlessness Irritability Convulsions Drooling
Reported Cases of Rabies, 1999
Animal Rabies by Year in North Dakota
Treatment of Rabies Immediate thorough cleansing of animal bite or scratch wounds with liberal amounts of soap and water or flushing the mucous membranes with warm water A vaccine which is a series of five shots. The shots are given of days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 28 after exposure.
Prevention of Rabies Make sure your pets and other domesticated animals regularly get animal rabies shots. Keep your dog on a leash when its outside of the yard and do not chain it inside the yard. Avoid contact with wild or unfamiliar animals, and don’t touch them even when they are dead. Seal basement, porch, and attic openings and cap chimney to prevent animals from entering your home. Report strays or animals acting strangely or sick to your local animal control authorities.
Bibliography Epidemiology. CDC. 6 June pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 30, ht North Dakota Rabies Stats. Division Disease Control. 16 August pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 31, s.htm s.htm Rabies. Electric Library. 1 pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 31, Rabies. NIAID Fact sheet. 13 January pag. Online: Internet Explorer. Yahoo. Internet. October 31,
Smallpox By Joel Gustafson & Brian Vikan
Timeline of Smallpox 300 b.c. The Chinese use inoculation to prevent the disease a.d. Smallpox was brought to the Americas by Hernando Cortez, killing 3,500,000 Aztecs in two years. 1600’s Spaniards brought the disease to Caribbean Islands and Florida A Smallpox Plague killed 90% of the population of the Indians in the area of Massachusetts Smallpox epidemic in England Edward Jenner developed a vaccine for Smallpox in England using infection from Cowpox sores The use of the Smallpox vaccine in the United States was prevented.
Symptoms Symptoms appear in newly infected victims 10 to 12 days days later. 2-4 days later a rash appears on the face and spreads to other parts of the body.
Smallpox could be a Threat All Over! AT WORK
It could also be a threat in your city.
More Symptoms At first it’s like the flu - causing and under- the-weather feeling of fever, nausea,vomiting, headache, and backache. Severe abdominal pain and disorientation can set in, as small, round sores erupt all over the skin.
Facts There is no treatment for Smallpox. Smallpox was once so common that almost everyone had it at some time. In 1971, the U.S. ended routine vaccinations. In May, 1980, WHO (World Health Organization) formally announced that smallpox had been eliminated.
Other Facts Smallpox is a highly contagious virus that can be spread through the air and infects 30% of the people to it. About 20 to 30% of the people who are infected will die, and survivors can be left with permanent scars.
Ways smallpox could spread. By Touch if Infected By Touching someone through physical contact
Work Cited The UCLA Biomedical History and Special Collections Divisions. “What is Smallpox?” MSN Health Henderson, Donald A. “Smallpox” The World Book Encyclopedia.
Hepatitis B By Jamie Coyle
Main Symptoms The main symptoms are fatigue, abdominal pain, and jaundice (yellow coloration of the skin). Other symptoms may include nausea/vomiting and joint pain. When you have this disease, you eventually go through all these symptoms.
Ways to contract the virus. Having “unsafe non-condom sex.” Sharing personal items such as razors, especially with Hepatitis B virus on them. Using infected needles during excessive illegal drug use. Contamination on tattoo needles.
Other types of Hepatitis Hepatitis A, which is the mildest form Hepatitis B, which is the second worst, but can also be controlled. Hepatitis C, which is the most serious one, if you get this one, chances are you will soon be going by by.
Transmission occurs when…. The body fluids/blood of an infected person enters the un- immune body of another person. People who are at risk for Hepatitis B are also have chances of getting Hepatitis C.
Risk Groups Persons with multiple sex partners and don’t use condoms. Men that have sex with men. Any sexual contact with an infected person will give you this disease. Using sterile needles and condoms will help prevent you from getting this disease.
Statistics Highest rate of people that get it are in the 20 to 49 year old age group. There has been a great decline in infected children due to routine vaccinations. An estimated 1.25 chronically infected americans (20-30% get it in childhood). About 400 million people are carrying this disease around.
Works Cited www2hepb.org/info.html ND board of health webpage
ANTHRAX By: Chris, Adam, and Michael
Definition Anthrax is a spore forming bacterium.
Types of Anthrax There are three types of Anthrax 1.Cutaneous 2.Intestinal 3.Inhalation
Symptoms of Cutaneous Anthrax Raised itchy bump Vesicle into a painless ulcer with a black necrotic area in the center Lymph glands in adjacent area may swell
Symptoms of Intestinal Anthrax Nausea Loss of appetite Vomiting Fever Vomiting of blood Severe Diarrhea
Symptoms of Inhalation Anthrax Common cold Severe breathing problems Shock
Prevention All three types of Anthrax can be prevented with vaccinations.
Spread By Cutaneous Anthrax is spread by open wounds from human to human. Intestinal Anthrax is spread by red contaminated meat with ingestion. Inhalation Anthrax is spread through the air by breathing it in.
Cures Cutaneous Anthrax can be treated and cured with vaccinations and antibiotics. Intestinal Anthrax can be treated with vaccinations and antibiotics. It is not always curable. Inhalation can be treated for a few days with antibiotics. 90% of all victims will die.
Cutaneous Anthrax
Intestinal Anthrax
Inhalation Anthrax
Works Cited medlineplus.gov multimedia/images/bacslide02. jpg Diseases/ Anthrax.html e/anthrax.html
AIDS/HIV By: Jeremy Pritchard & Heather Moser
Definition of AIDS/HIV AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HIV - human immunodeficiency virus
Symptoms Weight loss Persistent Fever Extreme Fatigue Diarrhea Swollen lymph glands Loss of balance Disorientation
Prevention Aids is spread by unsafe sex methods, dirty needles, contaminated blood, and some body fluids such as: semen, and vaginal secretions. To prevent AIDS/HIV you should practice safe sex and be aware of infected fluids and dirty needles.
Cures Currently there are no cures for the AIDS virus. However, we do know that household bleach can kill it and that the virus can not live outside the body for more than a few seconds.
Statistics An American is infected with AIDS every 13 minutes. Someone dies from AIDS every 17 minutes. There have been 733,374 cases of AIDS in the U.S. since 1981 and that number increases by the minute. Out of these cases 300,000 people have died and that number is also growing by the minute.
Statistics in North Dakota From the year 1986 to 1995 there were only 65 cases reported. There are possibly more infected because some people never get tested and pass on the infection before they realize they have the virus. Statistics show that in the rate of change in reported AIDS cases was by far the highest.
Sources html AIDS by: Barbara Lerman Golomb Hab.hrs.gov/dhs/states/ND-epi.htm
The pathogens got him!