1 What is Behavioral Science? Developing Your Own Definition
2 Behavioral Sciences Interdisciplinary program in Social Sciences Applied Major Human Development and Behavior in the context of youth families, communities and society ….working with people
3 Behavioral Sciences The major draws students with a wide range of interests and future goals. Many students who enter the program are interested in the following: abused & neglected children non-profit management human & community services youth ministry youth problems family preservation juvenile delinquency care of the elderly youth development school crime and violence
4 Behavioral Science Major Series of Core Courses Importance of a minor for specialization Practical Work Experience / Internships
5 Life After Behavioral Sciences Graduate and Professional Studies Urban and Regional Planning Youth Development Family Relations Human Ecology Sociology/Anthropology Business Administration other related fields
6 Life After Behavioral Sciences Employment Human and Community Service Organizations Youth Organizations Municipal Planning Agencies Corporations
7 Recent Placements Elder Care Peace Corp Big Brothers & Big Sisters Boy Scouts Boys & Girls Clubs Child Care Resources Day Care Specialists Workforce Development U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Children's Bureau Various Government Jobs YMCA Girls Scouts National Center for Children in Poverty Planned Parenthood Youth Minister U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
8 Recent Placements Events Coordinator Benefits Coordinator Human Resource Professional Case Worker DCF Mental health worker Extension Agent Teach for America Regional planning assistant Victim Services employment counselor research assistant volunteer coordinator family planning counselor admissions counselor community service agency worker group home provider school counselor interviewer
9 Why is Behavioral Science Important? Human Service Problems Multifaceted A network of services required to reach the varying needs of the individual/family Each human service agency contributes in a unique way to resolve the problem
10 Human Service Work Majority of professionals are funded by the public Private non-profit agencies Private for-profit agencies Community Residences
11 Funding Grants Private Non-profits Sponsored by religious groups Charge fees Donations Public appeal Private For-profit Charge fees or insurance
12 Personal Job Interests Personal experiences Areas of interest Personal skills Attributes Lifestyle Personal Ideology