Cultural Dimension Theory
What is cultural dimension theory?
This theory is used to understand the differences among cultures.
How can we use this theory?
It can help to understand the people…
…how they think…
…how they approach others.
Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source:
Summary It is used to measure the equality or inequality among people in a society.
Types There are two types: High power distance Low power distance
Examples High power distanceLow power distance Respect for authorityRespect for individuality
Examples High power distanceLow power distance Everyone has specific placeNo set hierarchy
Examples High power distanceLow power distance Wide salary range Narrow salary range
Countries Example High power distanceLow power distance Malaysia Arab countries Russia India China Japan Australia Canada
Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source:
Individualism - Collectivism THE STRENGTH OF THE TIES PEOPLE HAVE
Summary It focuses on relationship between the individual and the group. Image source:
Types There are two types: Individual societies Collective societies
Examples Individual societiesCollective societies Loose connection with people Loyalty to group
Examples Individual societiesCollective societies Decision based on individual needs Decision based on group needs
Examples Individual societiesCollective societies People taking care of themselves Dependence on organization
Countries Example Individual societiesCollective societies U.S.A Australia Canada Great Britain Ecuador Indonesia Panama
Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source:
Summary This is about relations between gender and sex appropriate behavior.
Types There are two types: High Masculine societies Low Masculine societies
Examples High Masculine societiesLow Masculine societies Men are providers. Women are supportive. Men and women are more equal.
Countries Example High Masculine societiesLow Masculine societies Venezuela Japan Hungary Netherlands Norway Sweden
Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source:
Uncertainty Avoidance THE DEGREE OF ANXIETY
Summary This is about fear to the unknown situation.
Types There are two types: High uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance
Examples High uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance People work well under structured environment. People welcome freedom of opinions.
Examples High uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance People work well under strict laws. People concern with long-term strategy.
Countries Example High uncertainty avoidance Low uncertainty avoidance Portugal Uruguay Greece Singapore Jamaica Denmark
Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory Image source:
Summary This describes whether gratification should be immediate or deferred. Image source:
Types There are two types: Short time orientation Long time orientation
Examples Long time orientationShort time orientation Relationships are ordered by status. Status is not a major issue in relationships.
Examples Long time orientationShort time orientation Leisure time is not too important. Leisure time is important.
Examples Long time orientationShort time orientation Emphasis on persistence Emphasis on quick results
Countries Example Long time orientationShort time orientation China Hong Kong Japan U.S.A Great Britain Canada
List of References Demowaiyan. Retrieved on April 10, 2013, from Douglas S. W. (2013). Leveraging Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory to Improve the Quality of Information Operations. Retrieved on June 25, 2013, from hofstede%E2%80%99s-cultural-dimensions-theory-to-improve-the-quality-of-information-oper Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions. Understanding Workplace Values Around the World. Retrieved on June 25, 2013, from Weeklyeleven. Retrieved on June 1, 2013, from By:Soe Moe Tun ( ) Under Graduate Studies Program (Computer Science) Albukhary International University, Malaysia.