CO 2 Facts
UK per person emissions from burning fossil fuels = 9.5 Tonnes or balloons
What action is the UK taking? Climate Change Bill/Kyoto – 60% reduction by 2050 Stern Review
What’s required? Tyndall Report - 90% reduction by 2050 George Monbiot suggests in his book ‘Heat’ 90% reduction by 2030 necessary
Carbon Rationing Nationally - public, business and government Globally – ‘Contraction and Convergence’
Contraction and Convergence
CRAGs Carbon Rationing Action Groups The UK’s first ever large-scale personal carbon rationing initiative We are a nationwide network of grass roots voluntary groups
CO 2 Facts
Personal Carbon Emissions 43% household energy 57% transport – mostly car and air travel.
CRAGs Set an annual personal emissions target (average is 4.5t) –The average UK citizen emits 5.2t CO 2 per year Agree price of excess CO 2 (from 0 to 8p/Kg, with maximum amount agreed) Calculate our personal annual carbon footprint –Home energy, plane flights, car miles Pay up ‘debt’ or receive ‘payout’ at end of year Reduce next annual target and agree new price for CO 2 excess
CRAGs What we want to achieve: Our vision is a world in which CO2 emissions are reducing rapidly and everyone is taking responsibility for their personal carbon footprint, as standard. Our mission is to increase the number of Carbon Rationing Action Groups and to help take personal carbon rationing beyond academic theory through practical action. Our aim is to develop the CRAGs network so that: –there is a large and growing number of people actively engaged in limiting their personal carbon emissions and encouraged to share their experiences and advice with others –we push carbon rationing up the political agenda by showing, in the most direct way possible, that there are people ready and willing to adopt it –we can deliver a body of evidence to decision makers on personal carbon rationing, gained through our practical experience, that assists in the process of developing it as a national policy
Cornwall CRAG Meets every 3 months Meets every 3 months Shares climate change news, energy saving ideas and plans for growing network
Cornwall CRAG details Agreement reached on what to count We use the CRAG conversion calculator for annual carbon footprint Our agreed CO2 target for the year is 4500 Kg Our carbon year runs with the calendar year We don’t have a CO2 excess penalty Members keep their utility bills, VAT fuel receipts and a note of flights (and train and bus tickets) We don’t have a “Carbon accountant“, everyone works out their own CO2.