UNF Writing Program and Center Linda Howell, Director UNF Writing Program David MacKinnon, Coordinator UNF Writing Center
What We Wanted to Achieve UNF Writing Program initiatives seek to prepare students for workplace, real-world writing; provide cost effective approaches to teaching writing; use self-directed and self-paced approaches to engage students in writing courses; engage departments and programs across the university in conversations and instruction that address student writing from first year to last; and build a Writing Center connected to the teaching and research mission of the Writing Program.
What We Have Achieved Replaced our literature-based General Education writing courses with discipline specific writing courses. Developed leading edge assessment rubrics, as characterized by our external reviewer and writing program scholar. Designed and carried out a large-scale assessment of student writing in Coggin College of Business. Collaborating with the College of Education to embed writing in required courses in their ASL/Deaf Studies program. Established a Writing Center to serve the entire university community.
How We Have Done It Review Revise Build
Our DL Innovation with ENC 1101 Combined a traditional wraparound space (writing center) with writing curriculum Capped at 132 students (six traditional sections) One instructor with 2 dedicated Graduate Assessment Assistants Self-paced, self-directed (in part) Five required sessions with Writing Center Instructor/Graduate Assessment Assistant (in person or online)
What Students Achieved Students improved their rubric level scores on grammatical accuracy
What Students Achieved Across the board, students improved on all rubrics.
What the Course Achieved The course is highly cost effective with one instructor and two GTAs replacing six instructors. The instructor who piloted this course received extremely high student ratings ( 4.51 out of 5.0 on “overall rating of instructor”) from students whose average course grade was 2.27.
What Next? Summer 2014 – ENC 1143 DL pilot with 135 students Fall 2014/Spring 2015 – ENC 1101 and ENC 1143 DL sections based on this model Transferring ENC 2463: Writing for Engineers and ENC 2210: Technical Writing to this model for institution in Spring 2015.
Appendix Information, if necessary
REVIEW and REVISE: Curriculum Changes Four-Course GW Sequence: 1: ENC : ENC : LIT : LIT 2932 Four-Course GW Sequence: 1: ENC ENC 1102 Dropped 3: LIT 2110 : LIT 2932 Three-Course GW Sequence: 1: ENC : LIT : LIT 2932 ENC 2xxx or CRW 2xxx Three-Course GW Sequence with Menu of Options for the Third Course, the Addition of a Course for Students Not Yet Ready for ENC 1101, and Two Curricular Proposals: 1: ENC : LIT : ENC 2xxx or CRW 2xxx ENC 1130 UNF/English Workplace Readiness Writing Proposal DL Writing Curriculum Proposal Three-Course GW Sequence with Expanded Menu of Options for the Third Course and the Anticipated Addition of DL and Workplace Readiness Options: 1 or 2: ENC or 2: LIT 2000 ENC 114x 3: ENC 2xxx, CRW 2xxx, or ENC 3250 ENC 1130 DL Writing Curriculum Initiative Begins Three-Course GW Sequence. Offer DL sections for ENC 1101, ENC 1143, ENC 2210, ENC 2460, and ENC 3250 Develop an ESL course. Pilot ENC 1101 Model
REVIEW and REVISE: Current UNF General Education Writing Curriculum RequiredENC 1101 (GW) Introduction to Rhetoric and Writing RequiredENC 1143 (GW) Introduction to Rhetoric and Narrative Choose 1:ENC 1102(GW) Informed Writer ENC 2210(GW) Technical Writing ENC 2441(GW) Writing Topics: Fine Arts ENC 2442(GW) Writing Topics: Humanities ENC 2443(GW) Writing Topics: Literature ENC 2450(GW) Writing Topics: Natural Science ENC 2451(GW) Writing Topics: Health ENC 2460(GW) Writing Topics: Business ENC 2461(GW) Writing Topics: Social Science ENC 2462(GW) Writing Topics: Education ENC 2463(GW) Writing Topics: Engineering ENC 2930(GW) Special Topics in Composition ENC 3250(GW) Professional Communication *LIT 2932(GW) Special Topics in Literature *CRW 2000(GW) Introduction to Creative Writing *CRW 2100(GW) Introduction to Fiction Writing *CRW 2201(GW) Introduction to Creative Non-Fiction Writing *CRW 2300(GW) Introduction to Poetry Writing *CRW 2400(GW) Introduction to Playwriting *CRW 2600(GW) Introduction to Screen Writing **CRW 2930(GW) Special Topics in Creative Writing
REVIEW and REVISE: UNF Writes Self-Talk Rubrics.
Challenges for UNF Writing Cultural/Economic : Students can’t write. Disciplinary : What do we mean when we say “students can’t write”? Institutional : Increasing pressure to offer Distance Learning courses and decreasing enrollments due to transfer credit from high school. Also the need to address accreditation concerns.
Writing Program – As It Stands Locally developed writing curriculum and assessment Directed Self-Placement exam Outreach to other disciplines New Writing Center Distance Learning pilot: ENC 1101
What the UNF Writing Center Will Look Like Writing Center Consultant Graduate Assistants and Part-Time Faculty Undergraduate Peer Mentors and Writing Center Interns We are here.