Peer and Peer Pressure Peer: is a person of similar age or status What is “peer pressure ?” –Influence that people of similar age or status place on other to behave in a certain way
2 types of peer pressure Positive peer pressure: influence from peers to behave in a responsible way Negative peer pressure: influence from peers to behave in a way that is NOT responsible.
Peers who try to force you to make wrong decisions often just want support for their wrong actions!!!!!!!! They don’t care about your experience of feelings you have as the result of the negative outcomes.
10 Negative Peer Pressure Statements No one will ever know What’s the big deal I do it all the time and have never been caught We’ll go down together if anything happens Everybody else is doing it You’ll look older and more mature Try it, you’ll like it You only live once Don’t be such a wimp Don’t be chicken
Resistance Skills: skills that helps a person say “NO” to an action or to leave a situation Say NO with self- confidence Give reasons for saying NO Broken-record technique Nonverbal behaviors match verbal behavior Avoid situations in which there is negative pressure Avoid people whom make wrong decisions Resist pressure to engage in illegal behavior Influence others to make responsible choices.
Broken record technique: ways to strengthen a “no” response by repeating the same response several times Nonverbal behavior: the use of actions to express emotions and thoughts.
Self-confidence: the belief in oneself –You believe in your ideas, feelings, and decisions Assertive behavior: the honest expression of ideas, feelings, and decisions without worrying or feeling threatened –Show others you are in control of yourself, –You clearly state your thoughts or feelings –you don’t back down on your feelings or thoughts
Passive behavior: holding back of ideas, feelings, and decisions. –Don’t stand up for themselves –Look away when sharing feelings/ making decisions –Lack self confidence Aggressive behavior: use of words or actions that are disrespectful toward others –Monopolize conversations –Name calling, sarcastic remarks –Threaten others due to lack of their own self- confidence
3 Steps to be Self-Confident and Assertive Answer 6 questions & evaluate consequences of your decisions. –Promote health –Protect safety –Follow laws –Show respect for myself and others –Follow guidelines of my parents / responsible adults –Demonstrate good character
Imagine a shield of protection in front of you when peers pressure you to make wrong decisions When you doubt yourself, talk with a parent, guardian, or other responsible adult.
10 outcomes of giving in to negative peer pressure Harm health Threaten your safety Break laws Disrespect to yourself and others Disregard guidelines Shows poor character Feeling disappointed in yourself Feel resentment toward peers Hurt self-confidence Feel guilty & ashamed
5 Actions if you have given in to negative peer pressure Take responsibility for any decisions, actions, or judgments that result –Honesty and don’t blame others Consider ways to deal with the negative outcomes –Restitution – making good for loss or damage –You must make things right
Examine reasons why you gave in to the negative pressure –Was anything specific? Make a plan on how to handle similar future situations –Learn from your mistakes –Better prepared for the future Ask responsible adult to help you review situations in which you gave in to negative peer pressure.