Systemic Insecticide Seed Treatments Will it be standard in variety testing? Overview Wheat, Soybean, Corn Bill Bruening * Don Dombek * Fred Allen
Safety and handling Toxic as hell? No. Handling similar to fungicide trt seed
Toxicity Issues Acceleron Clothianidin 2000/4000 From: 2009 UK Soybean Variety Test Report
Safety and Handling Procedures
Safety and handling Dust respirator? In variety testing – primary exposure from dust - packaging seed; planting seed. Acute toxicity not likely in our field. Chronic toxicity is risk from breathing dust over time.
Kentucky Wheat Variety Tests Seed treatment with fungicides is recommended, however treatment with systemic insecticides (i.e. Gaucho, Cruiser, etc.) is prohibited. Goal is to evaluate varieties genetic performance – on a level playing field. ~ 10% wheat sold in KY has Sys Insecticide Trt. It’s a cost issue vs. scout & spray. Crop consultants opposed–job security–not promoted. Issue – not being able to return trt seed. Some growers avoid high cost seed due to unpredictable yields (Freeze/Scab).
Kentucky Wheat Variety Tests My experience with seed companies & IST’s. The corporate mistrust issue. Regulation: Do I test for presence of compound? Trust and violation of federal law.
Federal Seed Act - Labeling of treated seed
Kentucky Wheat Variety Tests Another issue for companies. If a company’s variety is sold with standard IST, is it unfair to them, to test their seed without the Trt? – results do not represent the potential of the “product”. Fair competition issue - keeping playing field level? 1X recommended treatment rate or 10X, how do I maintain a fair playing field?
Rate Issue: Treat at rate according to the label’s recommended rate or 10X…?
Re: Rate - Does this label apply to variety tests? Experimental exemption?
Entomologist’s view Standard treatment w/ systemics is dangerous. Shotgun approach to insect control = resistance Putting so much out in the environment could “blow up” & have a DDT like scenario. Closing Based on survey, most wheat variety test programs do not allow this treatment. I’m undecided as to if/when I will change my policy.