Part Four - Appendices Moving right along…. What is the secret for completing the Appendices Section of the Area Plan?
ANSWER There is no secret ! The Appendices provide a format to meet specific requirements in the Older Americans Act and the California Code of Regulations. Follow the Instructions in the Reference Guide.
Appendices Must use Format provided – for all four years – download Word Document All Appendices are required for the four-year plan Appendix II is required for all four-years All other Appendices must be resubmitted if changes occur after completion of the original four-year plan Don’t forget…
Appendix IA-IX IA: Notice of Intent to Provide Direct Services IB: Request for Approval to Provide Direct Services II: Public Hearings III: Governing Board IV: Advisory Council V: Priority Services VI: Community Focal Points List VII: Multipurpose Senior Centers VIII: FCSP Notice of Intent for Non- Expenditure of Funds IX: Resource Tools Read and Print Only
If NOT Providing Direct Service, Check Here III-E Integrated Don’t forget to answer the questions
What’s the differenc e between 1A and 1B? Hmmm.. IB must be completed for each direct service If NOT Providing Direct Service, Check Here
Do we need A Translator At all Hearings?
If using Title III funds for PD/C, must discuss at public hearings, whether or not the amount of funding has changed from prior year. Appendix II – Page Two
Appendix V – continued
Appendix X – Legal Services Appendix X is new. The CDA Legal Services Developer, Chisorom (Chi) Okwuosa will provide an overview of the requirements for completion of Appendix X.
Chisorum Okwuosa