Class Action Gradebook Software This software helps make the teachers job less stressful by keeping their class data organized and easy accessible Helps the teacher to keep the class structured and on pace Projects and assignments can be posted on this software that students and parents can access with their own protected account It has an automatic backup feature that saves the work the teacher has been doing so information, projects, assignments, and tests will not be lost Easy to use step-by-step program that can be used by all teachers at all levels
Keep Organization in the Classroom Seat arrangements can be made and saved Alphabetically Random Specific groups
Keep Grades in Check and Up-to-date The summary page shows each student’s grades from homework, classwork, and tests. This information can be posted on the web for the students and parents to see how the student is performing in the classroom
Stay on Top of Assignments Assignments can be added into the assignment category making it easier to stay on top of the workload Grades can be entered in this section as points, percentages or letter grades. The option to weigh an assignment as more or less or even dropping low scores is an easy process Curve scores
Proficiency and Deficiency Reports Reports can be sent to students and parents discussing the students progress in the classroom A list of assignments, missed assignments, quizzes, tests, individual comments and any other information that is needed to be shared by a printed report given to the student/parent or through This is a great way to keep in contact with the family and to let them know how the student’s progress in the classroom is going
Proficiency and Deficiency Reports Parent Letter
Proficiency and Deficiency Reports Student Report
Present Grades to Students After an assignment and after the grades have been filled in, they can be displayed so the students can check their progress. The teacher can show the students name or for confidential reasons, student’s ID numbers can be used
Class Action Gradebook With the use of Class Action Gradebook, it makes the teacher’s job easier by keeping everything organized and making the transition quicker It helps to the teacher to be more involved in the class by getting the grades out of the way at a quick pace because Class Action Gradebook is easy to use along with its program guide Become a better teacher by staying on top of your grades and showing the students their progression throughout the semester Grades can be viewed online through protective accounts Unlimited access to observe student’s progress online will keep students encouraged to improve each and every day
Equipment Associated with Class Action Gradebook Dell Computer (Laptop or Desktop) A computer is necessary for Class Action Gradebook to be installed Most schools provide computers for the teacher This would be used every day by the teacher and possibly students/parents to input and view grades Ranges anywhere from $
Equipment Associated with Class Action Gradebook SMART Board The SMART board can be used to teach the class on materials and subject matter It’s a touch screen that can have access to the internet This can be used to bring up the Class Action Gradebook and show the student’s their: Grades Class averages The next upcoming project Seating Assignments Ranges anywhere from $
Equipment Associated with Class Action Gradebook 5mW Ultra Red Laser Pointer Pen Beam Light w/ Clip This Laser Pointer Pen can be used for teaching a lecture in a classroom Specific information on projector screen or white boards can be pointed out to the students while using the laser pointer pen It makes lectures easier and more flexible by being able to move around the classroom talking rather than sitting at the computer using the mouse to point to things on the screen or white board Approximately 20$
Equipment Associated with Class Action Gradebook Sanyo PLC-XK2600 Classroom Projector This projector can be used in the classroom to enlarge information so the whole classroom can see it Lecture notes can be put on the white board large enough for the students to read The Sanyo PLC-XK2600 Classroom Projector can also be used with Dell Computer and Smart Board The projector will be able to show: Notes Directions or assignments Pictures Presentations Ranges anywhere from $
Class Action Gradebook This software makes the job easier for teachers by keeping track of grades, seating arrangements, attendance, projects, and other assignments all in one easy to use program Students and parents have the ability to access Class Action Gradebook and check the progress of the student in the classroom Helps the student to stay on top of upcoming assignment Teachers won’t lose any information because of the automatic backup feature Very important to a teacher because if they lose any of their papers, they still have it on their computer, backed up and saved This software would be a great addition to me and all other teachers to help them stay organized without having to worry about the paperwork and focus more on teaching the students and improving their daily learning