1 Together, we deliver. UNCLASSIFIED USTRANSCOM J4-LMCurrent as of 12 June 2014 Time Definite Delivery Workshop Roll-Up
2 Together, we deliver. UNCLASSIFIED USTRANSCOM J4-LMCurrent as of 12 June TDD Standards for stream methodology 2.Prioritized process improvement list Approval package presented to DSG in July – Virtual meeting – Implementation in new FY (Oct 2014 data) Deliverables
3 Together, we deliver. UNCLASSIFIED USTRANSCOM J4-LMCurrent as of 12 June 2014 Workshop Highlights -TDD Standard vs planning factor -COCOM reps had powerful and necessary voice -In general retained lane standards -Lane standard based upon facing depot performance -Stream-level analysis is useful -Adopted OCONUS methodology for CONUS standards -Low volume areas need options to balance efficiency and velocity -Excellent performance with WWX and OCONUS truck -DVD perform slower than facing depot
4 Together, we deliver. UNCLASSIFIED USTRANSCOM J4-LMCurrent as of 12 June Theater processing (Recommended Lead: Services) a.PACOM (Source too): Japan, Hawaii, Guam b.EUCOM: Spain; CENTCOM: Oman c.SOUTHCOM: Cuba; AFRICOM: Djibouti 2.Additives a.Navy Afloat additives for Source and Theater (Recommended Lead: Navy) b.USMC MEUs coded as AFLOAT (Recommended Lead: USTCJ4) c.USAF Additive for 3PL (Recommended Lead: Air Force) 3.DVD performance (Recommended Lead: DLA) 4.CONUS: Ground Small Package process (Recommended Lead: USTCJ4) Process Improvement Areas – Top 5
5 Together, we deliver. UNCLASSIFIED USTRANSCOM J4-LMCurrent as of 12 June 2014 Questions?