Institute of Oceanology Polish Academy of Sciences Jacek Piskozub COPAL-Polska, Warsaw, January 18, 2008
IOPAS, Sopot, Poland Sopot
Institute of Oceanology PAS Institute established in 1984 Institute established in 1984 Build: Build: Research Ship R/V Oceania Research Ship R/V Oceania Staff: about 150, including 65 PhDs+ Staff: about 150, including 65 PhDs+
Ship of the Institute: r/v Oceania (build 1985)
Institute of Oceanology PAS
Areas of interest:
What would we need the plane for? Optical remote sensing of the sea surface (“ground truth” and sub cloudy weather research) Optical remote sensing of the sea surface (“ground truth” and sub cloudy weather research) Air-sea interaction (surface wave fields, whitecap coverage) Air-sea interaction (surface wave fields, whitecap coverage) Marine aerosol and cloud research (counters, lidars etc.) Marine aerosol and cloud research (counters, lidars etc.) Deploying instrumentation over wide ocean / sea-ice areas Deploying instrumentation over wide ocean / sea-ice areas Other fly-over measurements correlated with ship or mooring oceanographic experiments. Other fly-over measurements correlated with ship or mooring oceanographic experiments.
Thank you for attention