Luke 9:57-62
I. Excuse Me
1.Define excuse— I. Excuse Me
1.Define excuse— 2.The most common excuse for not giving God my best.. I. Excuse Me
1.Define excuse— 2.The most common excuse for not giving God my best.. 3.I think I would give God my best if… I. Excuse Me
II. Luke 9:57-62
57 Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to Him, “Lord, I will follow You wherever You go.” 58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. ” Luke 9:57-62
59 Then He said to another, “Follow Me.”But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” 60 Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God. Luke 9:57-62
61 And another also said, “Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house.” 62 But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:57-62
A.“But I need all the right stuff.”—v II. Luke 9:57-62
A.“But I need all the right stuff.”—v In his emotional enthusiasm, he has not considered the cost of abandoning his stuff. II. Luke 9:57-62
A.“But I need all the right stuff.”—v In his emotional enthusiasm, he has not considered the cost of abandoning his stuff. 2.We think, “I’ll give my best if God will give me what I want in life.” II. Luke 9:57-62
A.“But I need all the right stuff.”—v In his emotional enthusiasm, he has not considered the cost of abandoning his stuff. 2.We think, “I’ll give my best if God will give me what I want in life.” 3.In his emotional enthusiasm, he has not considered the cost of abandoning his stuff. II. Luke 9:57-62
A.“But I need all the right stuff.”—v We think, “I’ll give my best if God will give me what I want in life.” II. Luke 9:57-62
A.“But I need all the right stuff.”—v We think, “I’ll give my best if God will give me what I want in life.” 5. Discipleship often means loneliness, frustration, lack of stuff, isolation and danger. II. Luke 9:57-62
A.“But I need all the right stuff.”—v We think, “I’ll give my best if God will give me what I want in life.” 5. Discipleship often means loneliness, frustration, lack of stuff, isolation and danger. 6. Disciple was useless unless prepared to endure hardship. II. Luke 9:57-62
B. “If I can wait until it is convenient”.—v II. Luke 9:57-62
B. “If I can wait until it is convenient”.—v Jesus initiated the conversation. Perhaps he needed someone to talk to him. Encourage him. To help him. II. Luke 9:57-62
B. “If I can wait until it is convenient”.—v Jesus initiated the conversation. Perhaps he needed someone to talk to him. Encourage him. To help him. 2.Logical explanation. What could be more important than family? II. Luke 9:57-62
B. “If I can wait until it is convenient”.—v He was unwilling to respond immediately to the call of Christ. II. Luke 9:57-62
B. “If I can wait until it is convenient”.—v He was unwilling to respond immediately to the call of Christ. 4. He was waiting for his father to die. Had he been dead, he would have not have been following Jesus around. II. Luke 9:57-62
B. “If I can wait until it is convenient”.—v There are more important things to do than sitting around waiting for your dad to die. II. Luke 9:57-62
B. “If I can wait until it is convenient”.—v There are more important things to do than sitting around waiting for your dad to die. 6. People “getting around to it” usually never do. Lesson against procrastination. II. Luke 9:57-62
-II Corinthians 6:2 For He says: “In an acceptable time I have heard you,And in the day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation. II. Luke 9:57-62
C. “As long as I Can please the people that I love.”—v61-62 II. Luke 9:57-62
C. “As long as I Can please the people that I love.”—v This man longed for the approval of his family. II. Luke 9:57-62
C. “As long as I Can please the people that I love.”—v This man longed for the approval of his family. 2.Plowing takes concentration and focus. II. Luke 9:57-62
C. “As long as I Can please the people that I love.”—v How can a man take up his cross to follow Christ, if all the while, looking back over his shoulder to what he left behind. -(Lot’s wife) II. Luke 9:57-62
C. “As long as I Can please the people that I love.”—v How can a man take up his cross to follow Christ, if all the while, looking back over his shoulder to what he left behind. -(Lot’s wife) 4. Following Christ means resignation—deliberate, sacrificial resignation II. Luke 9:57-62
C. “ As long as I Can please the people that I love.”—v The successful disciple says, “I must follow Christ or die!” II. Luke 9:57-62
Excuses are the crutches of the uncommitted. II. Luke 9:57-62
Excuses are the crutches of the uncommitted. Of the 3 excuses mentioned here, I most often use… II. Luke 9:57-62
Excuses are the crutches of the uncommitted. Of the 3 excuses mentioned here, I most often use… What is God’s attitude about my excuse making? II. Luke 9:57-62
Giving God my best will mean… When I think about what God is worth to me, I think… II. Luke 9:57-62