LED Case Lighting With and Without Motion Sensors Michele Friedrich – Sr. Engineer PECI 1/5/2010
Acknowledgements We would like to thank the following utilities for support BPA PSE AVISTA
Purpose Approval to modify LED case lighting deemed measures and add LED case light motion sensor measures.
Agenda Background PECI experience Market Measures to approve Description of Measure Baseline Measure Energy Savings Cost Measure Life Technical and Program Specifications Conclusions
Background PECI previous experience RTF approved LED case lighting measures- 337,000 kWh saved in 2009 for BPA Difference between current and proposed measures: Current measures 18 hr or 24 hr/ day case lighting and LT or MT. New measures weight the savings using rebate data. Current units are “per linear foot of case”. New units are “per linear foot of LED”. Current measure has one LED light bar wattage. New measures have two bins for side bars and mullion bars. New measures for motion sensors.
Background PECI previous experience Measure restricted to Reach-in cases Obtained weighting from PECI rebate applications LED demand – Side bars use ½ of Mullion bars’ watts LT and MT rebate split is not changing over time 18 hr vs. 24 hr case light operation split is constant
Background PECI previous experience LED case lights installed in 2009 from PECI rebates - % of lights by Watts per linear foot of lamp
Background Market Size Number of Stores Small Store Sq Ft Medium Store ,000 Sq Ft Large Store 35,000 + Sq Ft BPA Participating Utility Customer Count Seattle City Light, Tacoma Power & Snohomish PUD Remaining Region (Trust, PSE, Avista, Idaho Power)2, Totals For Region4,2871, Potential kWhSmall StoreMedium StoreLarge Store LED Case Lighting17,921,20034,848,00028,670,400
Measures Description of Measure Refrigerated, Reach-in, Display Case Lighting ◦Reduce lamp electrical demand: Change Fluorescent to LED ◦Reduce Hours: Incorporate Motion Sensor
Measures for Approval Baseline Lamp With or w/o Motion Sensor LED wattageNew case or retrofit Energy Savings (kWh/yr- ft of LED) Measure Life (years) Measure Cost ($/ft of LED) Benefit Cost Ratio T12w/o M.S.4 to7.5W/FTRET1056 $ T12w/o M.S.<=4W/FTRET1546 $ T8w/o M.S.4 to7.5W/FTRET596 $ T8w/o M.S.<=4W/FTRET1046 $ T8w/o M.S.4 to7.5W/FTNEW596 $ T8w/o M.S.<=4W/FTNEW1046 $ LED w/ Motion Sensor4 to7.5W/FTRET278 $ LED w/ Motion Sensor<=4W/FTRET148 $
11 Old Measures 18hr/day Input for B/C calculator for New Measure cost is $99/ln ft in 2008 Dollars
12 Old Measures, 24 hr/day Input for B/C calculator for New Measure cost is $99/ln ft in 2008 Dollars
Measures Description of Baseline Across all baselines: ◦Reach-in refrigerated display case. Different baselines for implementation ◦Lamp (T12, T8, LED) ◦Retrofit or New
Measures Description of Measure Different measures for implementation ◦Change Fluorescent fixture to LED » LED wattage – Side bars less than Mullion Bars. Addressed with bins (W / linear ft of LED) ◦Add Motion Sensor to LED » LED wattage – Side bars less than Mullion Bars. Addressed with bins (W / linear ft of LED)
Energy Savings Difference between annual Base and Proposed Consumption Direct – Light Fixture Energy Refrigeration Energy Portion of Direct consumption rejects heat inside case (refrig load)
Energy Savings Refrigeration system uses energy to remove heat ASH Energy We found no literature on effectiveness of Anti-Sweat Heaters (ASH) from the reduction of case lighting energy. PNNL demonstrations found no frost or condensation on doors after LED with motion sensors were in operation for over 3 months.
Energy Savings Assumed Values Fluorescent Wattages (W / linear foot of lamp) T12: GRAINGER (73 W, 5 ft) (PG&E WP = 75) T8: GRAINGER (58 W, 5 ft) (PG&E WP = 58) Drivers / Ballast % additional Wattage (DF) Fluorescent Ballast5% of lamp - GRAINGER LED driver5% of lamp - LED POWER LED Wattages (W / linear foot of lamp) Side (less than 4):3.5 – PECI rebates Mullion (between 4 and 7.5):7.0 – PECI rebates
Energy savings
Energy Savings Assumed Values Refrigeration (All PNW Climate Zones) Annual Avg. EER (Btu/hr / W) ◦Medium Temp: DOE2.2R grocery model, PNW ◦Low Temp: DOE2.2R grocery model, PNW % Heat transferred to Refrigeration System Lamps: 100% - inside case (neglect conduction) Drivers/Ballast50% - observations (some in, some out)
Energy Savings Assumed Values LED dimming when un-occupied: 20% - PNNL, LARGE CHAIN, SMUD Motion Sensor % of lighting operational hours at reduced wattage 18 HR /day case lighting: 29% - PNNL (EUGENE) 24 HR /day case lighting: 39% - PNNL (EUGENE, POULSBO)
Energy Savings Graph of PNNL daily motion sensor activated light data
Energy Savings SMUD: 51% Hrs at 20% W Data from SMUD and Large Chain case lighting motion sensor demonstrations Large Chain
Measure Costs Cost Inputs: Fluorescent (new case):$60.00 / door - Hussmann LED lighting equipment: ◦Side Bar:$111 / 5 ft bar - PNNL ◦Center Bar:$185 / 5 ft bar- PNNL ◦Labor:$60 / door- PNNL Motion Sensor ◦Equipment:$65 / 25 ft of case- PNNL, LED Power ◦Labor:$65 / 25 ft of case- PNNL, LED Power
Measure Life Assumptions LED Lights 52,560 hoursPG&E Study 70,000 hoursLED POWER No Motion Sensor 24 hr / day:6 years (52,560 / 8760) 18 hr / day:8 years (52,560 / 6570) With Motion Sensor 24 hr / day: 9 years [52,560/ (8760*( *0.2))] 18 hr / day:10 years [52,560/ (6570*( *0.2))] Motion Sensor 8 yearsPG&E work paper for space lighting motion sensors
Program Specifications For the Measure Terms and Conditions Restricted to refrigerated reach-in display cases only. Must replace existing reach-in refrigerated display case fluorescent fixture with a LED fixture. Fluorescent magnetic ballasts can not be used to power the LED. LED lighting system must be a permanently installed fixture. LED lights must have minimum CRI of 75 and provide a minimum of 70% of initial lumens at 50,000 hrs. Manufacturer’s warranty must be a minimum of three years. The motion sensor must reduce lighting load to 20% or less when unoccupied. Case lights on existing timer must continue to turn lights off at night after installing motion sensor. Incentives paid based on linear feet of LED. Rebate and energy savings values vary based on lamp size (T8 or T12) and LED wattage (low or high).
Conclusion Approval to modify LED case lighting deemed measures and add LED case light motion sensor measures. Baseline Lamp With or w/o Motion Sensor LED wattageNew case or retrofit Energy Savings (kWh/yr- ft of LED) Measure Life (years) Measure Cost ($/ft of LED) Benefit Cost Ratio T12w/o M.S.4 to7.5W/FTRET1056 $ T12w/o M.S.<=4W/FTRET1546 $ T8w/o M.S.4 to7.5W/FTRET596 $ T8w/o M.S.<=4W/FTRET1046 $ T8w/o M.S.4 to7.5W/FTNEW596 $ T8w/o M.S.<=4W/FTNEW1046 $ LED w/ Motion Sensor4 to7.5W/FTRET278 $ LED w/ Motion Sensor<=4W/FTRET148 $