Binary Rewards Plan Explained
YOU Left TeamRight Team A Binary Structure has 2 positions under each BC
YOU Left TeamRight Team Distributors can choose placement settings for new sales Distributors can choose for personal sales to spill down the outside of their left team Distributors can choose for personal sales to spill down the outside of their right team Distributors can choose for personal sales to spill down under specific Distributors in their team
YOU Left TeamRight Team Your uplines sales can add to your team sales UPLINE Distributors UPLINE from you in the line of introduction can spill NEW sales they make into your sales team ALL these sales spilled over in to your team from your UPLINE contribute towards your total team sales and can all potentially earn you income!
YOU Left TeamRight Team Get paid on sales to unlimited depth below you UPLINE Binary type programs can pay you rewards on sales to UNLIMITED DEPTH! This means there is an incentive to work with EVERY Distributor in your team regardless of how many levels below you they are positioned!
YOU BC2 Joe Left TeamRight Team ANN JOE SUE Each BC has 2 empty positions below it. Ann made a sale to YOU and JOE filling the two empty positions below ANN YOU make a sale to BOB and SUE filling the two empty positions below YOU BOB ANN makes a sale to LOU. Because ANN has filled the two positions below her, LOU is placed in a vacant position under one of the other Distributors in her team. LOU In this example ANN has selected her next personally introduced sale to be placed in the next vacant position in the outside branch of her LEFT team. LOU is placed under BOB which provides a team sale for not only ANN, but also for YOU and BOB! Binary Plans Build Teams 2 x 2
YOU Joe Left TeamRight Team ANN JOE 100pv Every time you have 200pv worth of sales with “100pv” in the LEFT and “100pv” in the RIGHT you are paid a CYCLE payment. 100pv TIM ALI = $ Every 200pv of sales with a 1:1 ratio earns you income
YOU Left TeamRight Team ANN JOE SUEBOB 100pv TIM ALI 100pv When you achieve another 200pv worth of sales with “100pv” in the LEFT and “100pv” in the RIGHT you are paid another CYCLE payment. Sue makes a personal sale = $ Each NEW Group of 200pv of sales earns you income
BC1 BC2 As you help your sales team grow and earn an income you can share in this and earn a matching income up to 40% on income generated by your team members down 7 levels Left TeamRight Team PE BC1 Earn Matching Income When Others Earn Income
BC1 BC2 Joe Left TeamRight Team BC3BC2 LOU As you develop your income and team to a certain level you receive 2 more business centres at NO extra cost This has the potential to increase your earning potential significantly Qualify To Receive Additional Streams Of Income
BC1 BC2 Joe Left TeamRight Team BC3BC2 LOU As you develop SALES under your left team of BC1 you are also building a TEAM under BC2 Once you are qualified to activate BC2 the sales falling under BC2 will potentially earn rewards for BOTH BC2 and BC1 As you develop SALES under your right team of BC1 you are also building a TEAM under BC3 Once you are qualified to activate BC3 the sales falling under BC3 will potentially earn rewards for BOTH BC3 and BC1 Why Do We Give Members 3 Business Centers?