The Journey
Account of Moses After Joseph and his family moved to Egypt, the Israelites remained for hundreds of years. The Israelites are being oppressed by Pharaoh. Moses is born, Pharaoh gives order to kill every boy born to an Israelite woman Moses is put in a basket and placed in the Nile. Pharaoh’s daughter finds him and takes Moses as her own. Moses witnesses slave drivers beat Israelites, this angers him and he kills an Egyptian. Moses flees to Midian.
Account of Moses Moses marries Zipporah in Midian. Moses is keeping flocks, goes to Horeb (Mountain of God); He encounters the burning bush. God calls Moses to lead the people out of Egypt and tells him of the promisedland. Moses is given the ability to show signs to the people so they might believe Moses goes to Egypt and takes his brother Aaron. Aaron speaks on Moses behalf.
Let them Go! Moses makes request to let the people go, to Pharaoh Pharaoh says no, the Israelites make bricks without straw. Moses is 80 and Aaron 83 when they speak to Pharaoh. Aaron shows a miracle (staff to a snake) to Pharaoh, Pharaoh’ s heart hardens. First Plague- water turned to blood, Pharaoh hardens Second Plague- frogs, Pharaohs pleads to take them away and he’ll let them go, they do – he doesn’t
Let them Go! Third Plague- Gnats, all the dust in the land becomes gnats, Pharaoh’s heart is hard Fourth Plague- Flies, Pharaoh again says get rid of them and I’ll let you go. But again he is hardened. Fifth Plague- Livestock, all the livestock of the Egyptians dies, Pharaoh is unyielding Sixth Plague- boils, throughout the land people had boils Seventh Plague- Hail, anyone caught in it died, it destroyed animals and crops as well.
Let them Go! Eighth Plague- Locusts, devour every shred of food left Ninth Plague- Darkness, it was dark for 3 days, but Pharaoh was unwilling to let them go. Tenth Plague- Firstborn, every firstborn in Egypt son was killed. The angel of death comes to Egypt to kill the firstborn, it passes over every Israelite house because the doors are marked with lambs blood. This is the first “Passover”
Exodus Commemorate the Passover by consecrating the firstborn whether man or animal. Pharaoh releases the Israelites. Protected by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Guiding them. Israelites encamp by the Sea, Pharaoh’s army is pursuing them. Moses raises his staff and parts the Sea, the people cross, Pharaoh pursues and his army is crushed by the water.
Miracles After the Sea, they travel for 3 days(no water), come to Marah (bitter water), Moses throws a piece of wood in water it becomes sweet. God tests the People, sends manna from heaven, they gather manna every day for food (will they obey?) Some do not follow God’s command on this, they would end up eating manna for 40 years. Near Horeb, Moses strikes a rock which gives water for the people to drink.
First Fight The Amalekites attack, Moses holds up his staff during the battle; as long as he does this Israel is winning, so Aaron and Hur hold up his hands during the battle. Jethro (Zipporah’s father) confronts Moses about his duties and dividing the leadership among trustworthy men. Up till then he handled all disputes himself. The people arrive at Mount Sinai. God calls Moses to the Mountain God gives Moses the Ten Commandments
Ten Commandments 1. You shall have no other gods before me. 2. You shall not make any graven images (idols). 3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord. (blaspheme). 4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. 5. Honor your Father and Mother. 6. You shall not murder.
Ten Commandments 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor. (no lies) 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s possessions. Other laws are mentioned, concerning personal injuries, property, social responsibility, justice and mercy, Sabbath laws. Three festivals-Feast of Unlevened Bread, First Fruits (Feast of Harvest), Feast of Ingathering(gathering of crops).
Other Commandments God commands Moses to build an ark. (Ark of the Covenant) Moses is still on Mount Sinai (40 days, 40 nights) The ark will be where God meets the priest.(God’s presence) From 25 to 30, How to worship God, items needed for the tabernacle, Priestly robes, consecration of the priests, offering of sacrifices (types), etc.
Golden Calf The people doubted Moses’ return. They have Aaron make a golden calf to worship. The people have corrupted themselves. Moses comes off the mountain and throws the Ten Commandments breaking them. The Levites (Priests) go through camp, killing about 3 thousand people who turned away from God.(32) The remaining were struck with a plague.
Moses Pleads with God Moses pleads with God to continue with them on this journey. A new tablet for the ten commandments is made. Everything that God mentioned, the ark, the items for tabernacle, robes, lampstand, table, altar, etc. ; all these things were made.