Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina ELCT 752-Power Systems Grounding and Transients Dr. Hasan Ali Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Carolina, Columbia Spring Semester 2011
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Academic background and work experience Academic background and work experience # Ph.D. degree obtained: March 2004 (Kitami Institute of Technology [KIT], Hokkaido, Japan) # M.Sc. Engg. degree obtained: March 2001 (KIT, Japan) # B.Sc. Engg. degree obtained: January 1995 (Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology [RUET], Bangladesh) Research and teaching experience: 1. Part-time Lecturer (RUET, Bangladesh): March 1995-July Lecturer (RUET, Bangladesh): Aug 1996-Sept 2004 (on leave for M.Sc. Engg. and Ph.D. studies in Japan from Nov March 2004) 3. Assistant Prof. (RUET, Bangladesh): Sept 2004-Nov Postdoc Research Fellow under JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) program (KIT, Japan): Nov 2004-Jan Research Prof. (Changwon National University, South Korea):Feb 2007-Dec Postdoc Research Fellow (Ryerson University, Canada): Jan June Research Assistant Professor (USC): July 2009-Present
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Research Interests Electric ship systems modeling and analysis Stability analysis of high speed generators Design, analysis, stability, control, and modeling of advanced power systems Smart grid and micro-grid systems, wide area measurements and control Control of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) devices Renewable energy systems, especially wind power, photovoltaic power, and fuel cells systems Energy storage systems (superconductive magnetic energy storage (SMES), flywheel energy storage, super-capacitor energy storage, battery energy storage, vehicle-to-grid energy storage, etc.) Application of power electronics to power systems Electric machines and motor drives
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Course Information Pre-requisite for this class is ELCT 551( Power Systems Design & Analysis) Suggested Text: “Electrical Power Systems Quality,” 2nd Edition, Roger C Dugan, Surya Santoso, Mark F. McGranaghan, H. Wayne Beaty, ISBN X. Meeting time and locations Time: Tue-Thu 2:00 pm-3:15 pm Location: 2A21 Swearingen Office hours Tuesday: 3:30-5:00 PM, Thursday: 3:30-5:00 PM (or by appointment)
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina What is Power Quality ? Quality of electrical service # Utility, Equipment supplier/Manufacturer, Consumer Power Quality problem: “Any power problems manifested in voltage, current, or frequency deviations which results in failure or misoperation of customer equipment”
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Purpose of Course Understanding of Power Quality Problems Power Quality Standard Real-world Power Quality Problems Solutions for Power Quality Problems Skills for Power Systems Simulation Tools
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Course Preview Introduction Terms and Definitions Voltage Sags and Interruptions Transient Overvoltages Fundamentals of Harmonics Applied Harmonics Long-Duration Voltage Variations Power Quality Benchmarking Distributed Generation and Power Quality Wiring and Grounding, and Power Quality Monitoring
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Project and Software Project Study of Power Quality Simulation and Solutions of Power Quality Simulation Software ATP/EMTP VTB PSCAD MATLAB/Simulink
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Course Information (Grading Policy) Grading: 2 Midterm Tests (2 x 15% each), Project and homework (30%), Final test (40%) Grading scale: A = , B+ = Upper 80s, B = Lower 80s, C+ = Upper 70s, C = Lower 70s, D+ = Upper 60s, D = Lower 60s, F = less than 60; However, the instructor reserves the right to adjust the scale if needed.
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Course Information Some notes: Homework assignments must be submitted within due date. The exam format will be announced before each exam, and you will need a calculator, paper and pencil/pen Project assignments will be announced later. Please work independently on projects and exams.
Department of Electrical Engineering The University of South Carolina Reading Assignment Pick up and go through a paper regarding power quality from IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.