UPF-Based Power-Aware Design Flow Version 1.1 Welcome to you all around the world In the next 45 min I like to tell you about Stephen Bailey Chair, UPF Working Group
Agenda UPF-Based PA Design Flow System-level power specification Reusable IP block power specification RTL power design Implementation flow Gate-level power verification
System Power View of Interleaver Power Domain View Logic Hierarchy View Simple power architecture Simple for education purposes Power domains: PD_fifo => PD_tx PD_pktcnt => PD_rx PD_Interleaver PD_rx in2wire pktcntr TestBench interleaver in2wire out2wire pktcntr PD_tx out2wire fifo ram FIFO RAM PD_tx PD_rx
Defining the System Power States PD Supply PD_tx_vdd PD_tx_vss PD_rx_vdd PD_rx_vss Duplex On Transmit Off Receive Sleep State
Interleaver Power State Specification PD_tx_vdd PD_tx_vss PD_rx_vdd PD_rx_vss Duplex On Transmit Off Receive Sleep create_pst \ interleaver_pst PD_tx_vdd vss PD_rx_vdd vss add_pst_state Duplex PD_tx_vddon vsson PD_rx_vddon vsson add_pst_state Transmit PD_tx_vddon vsson PD_rx_vddoff vsson add_pst_state Receive PD_tx_vddoff vsson PD_rx_vddon vsson add_pst_state Sleep PD_tx_vddoff vsson PD_rx_vddoff vsson
What’s Wrong/Missing So Far? 1. We haven’t defined any power domains yet Easy to do without over-specifying at this level: 2. No supply states defined anywhere yet We discussed using placeholders 3. Incomplete nature of the power state specification No transitions specified No syntax for it, yet No references to logic net states Easy enough to add set_scope . create_power_domain PD_interleaver –include_scope create_power_domain PD_rx –elements {in2wire pkt_counter} create_power_domain PD_tx –elements {out2wire fifo} # NOTE: -elements can be incomplete; but can’t have 3 PDs all with current scope as the default elements list create_pst \ interleaver_pst use_pp(PD_tx) use_pg(PD_tx) use_pp(PD_rx) use_pg(PD_rx)
Agenda UPF-Based PA Design Flow System-level power specification Reusable IP block power specification RTL power design Implementation flow Gate-level power verification
Reusable IP Power Specification Interleaver Contains Reusable IP Block In2wire and out2wire blocks are instances of the same module Rdyacpt is the reusable IP module Logic Hierarchy View TestBench rdyacpt #(8) out2wire ( .upstream_rdy(out_rdy), .upstream_acpt(out_acpt), .upstream_data(do_reg), .downstream_rdy(do_rdy), .downstream_acpt(do_acpt), .downstream_data(do_data), .reset_n(reset_n), .clk(clk) ); interleaver rdyacpt #(8) in2wire ( .upstream_rdy(di_rdy), .upstream_acpt(di_acpt), .upstream_data(di_data), .downstream_rdy(in_rdy), .downstream_acpt(in_acpt), .downstream_data(input_down_data), .reset_n(reset_n), .clk(clk) ); in2wire out2wire pktcntr FIFO RAM
What to Specify for IP to Keep RTL & UPF Reusable Only specify how IP is used in a low power context Finest granularity of power domains for the IP What state must be saved on power down; restored on power up Safe isolation values for inputs to the IP For when the source domain for those inputs is powered down while the IP is up and running Any required isolation output values for the IP
Finest Granularity of Power Domains Sets of logic that can be shutdown or run at different voltage levels inside the domain For rdyacpt: Simple logic all on at same time and all operating at same voltage level Could specify no power domain and let it be subsumed into the parent instance’s power domain But, that would not allow us to specify isolation and retention strategies Therefore, create one power domain to allow specification of IP’s retention and isolation strategies # Assumes the caller of the UPF file containing this sets the scope # to the rdyacpt instance (in2wire or out2wire) create_power_domain pd_rdyacpt –include_scope
Specify IP State Requiring Retention rdyacpt requires state of all registers to be retention registers Likely scenario for most IP blocks If register values aren’t saved, they need to be reset on power up set_retention rdyacpt_ret –domain pd_rdyacpt # Default is strategy applies to all elements of the domain # Defer retention logic and implementation specifics to IP # integrator
Specify Safe Isolation Values for IP For inputs: Safe values when the source domain is shutdown and the IP’s domain is on For outputs: Safe values for outputs (inactive) where relevant Otherwise defer to sink domain to define RTL code: always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) … set_isolation rdyacpt_clk_iso –domain pd_rdyacpt -elements {clk} -clamp_value 0 set_isolation rdyacpt_rst_iso –domain pd_rdyacpt -elements {reset_n} -clamp_value 1 # Other inputs do not trigger activity; no iso required for other inputs
IP Integrator Will: Create the supply nets – primary, retention and isolation required Refine the power domain, retention and isolation strategies to specify the appropriate supplies Add any implementation details required Map retention cells Add level shifting strategies Alternative IP power specification strategy: Create supply ports and local supply nets for all supplies Reference those supplies in the IP’s UPF Pros: Hide more information internal to IP Cons: If IP will not be power gated, extra work not used May confuse implementation tool; creating unneeded objects
What’s Wrong/Missing for Reusable UPF for IP Blocks? Can already get a sense of how important merge_power_domains will be for IP reuse when the IP comes with reusable UPF specification Isolation is specified in the example What if the ports for which an isolation strategy is specified are not ports on the PD’s interface? They are as initially specified After merging, they may not be merge_power_domains needs to address this semantic issue – we don’t want isolation where it isn’t needed Retention is specified in the example If the IP cannot be power gated (is always on), then the retention strategy must be ignored Same could be true for isolation (depending on what is being isolated)
Agenda UPF-Based PA Design Flow System-level power specification Reusable IP block power specification RTL power design Implementation flow Gate-level power verification
Quick Review We have already defined: The system power states In terms of supply port states Defined the IP low power design requirements Before we can do an RTL power aware simulation: Need to define chip power domains Chip supply network Chip retention and isolation strategies In sufficient detail that the simulator can simulate behavior May define level shifting strategies Required before synthesis May defer to later RTL sign-off verification stage
Chip Power Domain Definition Power Domain View Power domains: PD_Interleaver PD_tx PD_rx PD_Interleaver PD_rx in2wire pktcntr set_scope . create_power_domain PD_Interleaver -include_scope create_power_domain PD_rx -elements {in2wire pkt_counter} create_power_domain PD_tx -elements {out2wire fifo} PD_tx out2wire fifo ram NOTE: Most likely the PDs will be already created as indicated earlier. However, as the RTL implementa- tion is refined, there will be a need to refine (additively) a domain’s elements
Create the Supply Network vdd_ pad vss_ pad Common ground for chip Switched VDD for PD_rx and PD_tx Retention & isolation supplies PD_Interleaver PD_rx in2wire pktcntr create_supply_port vss_pad –direction in create_supply_port vdd_pad –direction in create_supply_net vss connect_supply_net vss –ports {vss_pad} create_supply_net vdd connect_supply_net vdd –ports {vdd_pad} create_supply_net PD_rx_vdd create_supply_net PD_tx_vdd PD_tx out2wire fifo ram NOTE: Feedback from Minh is that RTL designers should not need to specify the supply network. This is too early in the flow for most. But, it is currently required now to simulate. Placeholder supply refs with predefined “logic” states of on/off/partial/don’t care.
Create the Power Switches for the Chip vdd_ pad vss_ pad Switch PD_rx primary supply Switch PD_tx primary supply PD_Interleaver rx_iso _en PD_rx in2wire pktcntr create_power_switch rx_prim_pwr -output_supply_port {rx_vdd_out PD_rx_vdd} -input_supply_port {rx_vdd_in vdd} -control_port {rx_en rx_iso_en} -on_state {PD_rx_vddon rx_vdd_in {~rx_iso_en}} create_power_switch tx_prim_pwr -output_supply_port {tx_vdd_out PD_tx_vdd} -input_supply_port {tx_vdd_in vdd} -control_port {tx_en tx_iso_en} -on_state {PD_tx_vddon tx_vdd_in {~tx_iso_en}} PD_tx out2wire fifo ram tx_iso _en NOTE: To continue with Minh’s objection of over- specifying too early, switch creation can be optional. If PSTs can reference logic signal states, then that can be the “check” for a supply state.
Relate the Supplies to the Domains vdd_ pad vss_ pad Switch PD_rx primary supply Switch PD_tx primary supply PD_Interleaver rx_iso _en create_power_domain PD_Interleaver -primary_power_net vdd -primary_ground_net vss create_power_domain PD_rx -primary_power_net PD_rx_vdd -default_iso_power_net vdd -default_ret_power_net vdd create_power_domain PD_tx -primary_power_net PD_tx_vdd PD_rx in2wire pktcntr PD_tx out2wire fifo ram tx_iso _en NOTE: If supply nets do not yet exist, this step would not occur at this point in time.
Logic Control of Isolation & Retention vdd_ pad vss_ pad Logic control signals that enable isolation for PD_rx and PD_tx Logic control signals for save/restore of retention registers for both domains PD_Interleaver rx_iso _en PD_rx in2wire pktcntr set_retention PD_rx_ret –domain PD_rx -save_signal {rx_sleep posedge} -restore_signal {rx_sleep negedge} set_isolation PD_rx_iso –domain PD_rx -isolation_signal {rx_iso_en posedge} set_retention PD_tx_ret –domain PD_tx -save_signal {tx_sleep posedge} -restore_signal {tx_sleep negedge} set_isolation PD_tx_iso –domain PD_tx -isolation_signal {tx_iso_en posedge} rx_ sleep PD_tx out2wire fifo ram tx_iso _en tx_ sleep NOTE: Part of “logic configuration” step. So, would be required prior to RTL simulation.
Don’t Forget Logic Configuration of IP Block! Both instances of rdyacpt’s domains require supply associations Should be accomplished by merging power domains If we were confident in the completeness and quality of the semantics set_scope in2wire load_upf rdyacpt.upf create_power_domain PD_rdyacpt -primary_power_net .PD_rx_vdd -primary_ground_net .vss -default_iso_power_net .vdd -default_ret_power_net .vdd set_scope .out2wire -primary_power_net .PD_tx_vdd NOTE: This slide and the next demonstrate how important the merge_power_domain command is. For this specific example, we would want the in2wire and out2wire instances to simply be subsumed into its parent’s power domain and all the logic configuration and implementation. But, without merge_power_domain, the work required is significantly more.
IP Block Retention & Isolation Logic Configuration Specify the logic control signals for isolation and retention of both instances of rdyacpt set_scope .in2wire set_retention rdyacpt_ret –domain pd_rdyacpt -save_signal {rx_sleep posedge} -restore_signal {rx_sleep negedge} set_isolation rdyacpt_clk_iso –domain pd_rdyacpt -isolation_signal {rx_iso_en posedge} set_isolation rdyact_rst_iso –domain pd_rdyacpt set_scope .out2wire -save_signal {tx_sleep posedge} -restore_signal {tx_sleep negedge} -isolation_signal {tx_iso_en posedge}
Do We Have Enough for RTL Simulation? Yes But Retention functionality is generic If you know your implementation technology Then you should map to a retention simulation model Ensure accurate verification of save & restore protocols Relative to other register control signals We still need to work on the retention specification Synthesizable & LEC friendly? Or always a mapping to specificy technology cells? Example: map_retention_cell PD_rx_ret –domain PD_rx -lib_model_name CFRFF # Note: Questa does not require the port map specified by UPF # as Questa knows which signals to connect to the ports
Do We Have Enough for RTL Simulation? Yes But Could specify level shifting strategies If multi-voltages employed and operating voltages are specified this early Example: set_level_shifter PD_rx_lss –domain PD_rx -threshold 0.2 -applies_to inputs -rule low_to_high
Agenda UPF-Based PA Design Flow System-level power specification Reusable IP block power specification RTL power design Implementation flow Gate-level power verification
Implementation Flow Need the implementation folks to fill in this section
Agenda UPF-Based PA Design Flow System-level power specification Reusable IP block power specification RTL power design Implementation flow Gate-level power verification
Gate Level Verification Defer after Implementation Flow Complete Simulation: 2 options Fully P/G connected gate-level netlist Unlikely or at minimum rare in near term No UPF required as gate models are power-aware & supply network is fully modeled Implementation tool(s) will generate UPF file(s) that correspond to the generated gate netlist Run simulations as you would for RTL power-aware verification Logic & Power Equivalency Checking Ensure what was verified at RTL has been equivalently implemented Mentor’s FormalPro performs LEC with power-aware features for PCF and, coming soon, UPF
Voltage (threshold) Scaling Include in example or separate example Q VDD VSS N-Well P-Well CK EN Ain Bin Cin Din Vth Scaled Power Domain At “normal” power Switching with determinate performance With reverse biasing (raised Vth) Switching occurs with unknown performance Corruption simulates results of unknown performance Ain changes corrupt through inverter chain Cin & Bin changes corrupt through AND output If CK gated, corruption does not propagate further Din changes do not corrupt Din->Q as long as CK is gated If CK not gated, CK changes result in FF & Q corruption