1.THE ACADEMIC CALENDAR. Classes always begin in September and end in June. Vacation is in summer, during the months of July and August. The school year is divided into three trimesters and after each trimester there is a break for vacation. There are usually three evaluations that coincide with each of the trimesters, although this can vary depending on the school: 1 st Trimester: From September until Christmas time (December) 2 nd Trimester: From the end of Christmas time (January) until Easter (March or April) 3 rd Trimester: From the end of Easter until the end of June The school day takes place in the morning. There are also schools in which the students attend class in the morning and in the afternoon.
Primary School and Preschool Classes usually start at 9:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m. 1.THE ACADEMIC CALENDAR. Secondary School The schedule tends to go from 8:30 a.m. until 2:30p.m. There is always at least one break of twenty minutes or half an hour in the morning to have a snack. When classes end, some schools have lunch service and others offer their facilities for certain extracurricular activities.
2. KINDERGARTEN: AGES 3, 4, AND 5. This stage includes 3 academic years which correspond to the ages 3, 4, and 5. It is not compulsory, but it is very important to familiarize children with the school system as soon as possible, and help the students with the transition into Primary School. Its aim is to contribute to the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of boys and girls.
3. PRIMARY EDUCATION: AGES 6 TO 12. This stage is compulsory and free. Its aim is to provide all children with an education that will help to reinforce their personal development and allow them to obtain basic cultural skills related to oral expression and comprehension, reading, writing, and mathematics. It will also develop their social skills, work and study habits, artistic sense, creativity, and emotional growth.
3. PRIMARY EDUCATION: AGES 6 TO 12. An academic year can only be repeated ONCE. As Primary Education goes from ages 6 to 12, there are 3 cycles and in each cycle there are 2 academic years: First Cycle:First year and second year. Ages 6 to 7. Second Cycle:Third year and fourth year.Ages 8 to 9. Third Cycle. Ages 10 to 11 or 12.
3. PRIMARY EDUCATION: AGES 6 TO 12. The subjects in Primary Education are the following: SPANISH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE6 Hours a week. MATHEMATICS6 Hours a week. SCIENCE 3 Hours a week. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE 3 Hours a week. PHYSICAL EDUCATION 3 Hours a week. PLASTIC ART 1,5 Hour a week. MUSIC 45 Minutes a week. RELIGION1,5 Hour a week.
4. COMPULSORY SECONDARY EDUCATION (ESO): ages 12 to 16. To provide students with the basic elements of culture, especially the humanistic, artistic, scientific, and technological aspects. Secondary Education is divided into four academic years. Its aims are: To develop and consolidate study and work habits. To prepare the students for their subsequent studies and incorporation into the workforce and to exercise their rights and obligations in life as citizens.
The title of Compulsory Secondary Education allows the students to continue with their studies either in Non-Compulsory Upper Secondary Schools or in Vocational Training. If the compulsory secondary education is not successfully completed, the student can still continue with Professional Qualification or Social Guarantee Programs which offer a basic understanding of a profession or the possibility of joining, through an entrance examination, an Intermediate Level Vocation Training Program. 4. COMPULSORY SECONDARY EDUCATION (ESO): ages 12 to 16.
5. VOCATIONAL TRAINING. 1. Intermediate Level Vocational Training. 2. Senior Level Vocational Training Fifth and sixth year. There are two levels:
This training lasts for one or two years and has a period that includes internships in companies. Upon finishing these studies, students receive the title of Technician. If you are 18 years or older, with this title you can take an entrance examination to enter Senior Level Vocational Training within the same professional group. 5. VOCATIONAL TRAINING. 1. Intermediate Level Vocational Training.
5. VOCATIONAL TRAINING. 2. Senior Level Vocational Training Fifth and sixth year. The training lasts for two academic years and includes a section that includes internships in companies. Students receive the title of Senior Technician, a very prestigious professional qualification.
6. NON COMPULSORY UPPER SECONDARY EDUCATION. BACHILLERATO. This STAGE prepares students to begin University studies or Senior Level Vocational Training. It consists of two academic years and various DISCIPLINES are offered: a)Bachillerato in Humanities and Social Sciences. b)Bachillerato in Science and Technology. c)Bachillerato in Arts.
7. ADULT EDUCATION. Adult Education Schools help groups or social sectors with poor training, as well as training that focuses on the working world. Adult Education gives you the opportunity to study: - Primary studies. - Compulsory Secondary Education. - University Entrance Examination for students over the age of Preparation for Secondary Education Challenge Test -Preparation for entrance examination into Intermediate Level -Vocational Training and Senior Level Vocational Training. - Spanish as a second language. - Professional courses. - Social guarantee programs. - Courses on personal and community development.