PSA AUTHORIZATIONS -After the event takes place, there is one more step! -As long as the artist/entertainer performed to what they were asked, they can be paid. -In order to be paid, the Student Club or Organization, must complete a PSA PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM, to authorize payment to the artist/entertainer. -Once this form is completed the check to the artist/entertainer will be mailed, or can be picked up in the CSI Office. Effective January, 2015
PSA PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION FORM The pink boxes indicate information that is the same as previously explained forms. The red box indicates the Payee Name, which is the entertainer name, this must match the indicated “name on check” name on the PSA Request Form. As well as the Amount to pay, which also must match the PSA Request Form. The PSA/Honorarium number is located on the contract and can be filled in by the SOFA. The green box indicates whether the check will be mailed or picked up in the CSI Office. For mail: write MAIL on the line For pick-up: write PICK-UP IN CSI on the line. Effective January, 2015