1 Welcome NIH Bethesda Campus Master Plan And Environmental Impact Statement National Environmental Policy Act Scoping Meeting February 28, 2012
2 NIH Representatives and Consultants NEPA Management Valerie Nottingham, Chief, Environmental Quality Branch Division of Environmental Protection/ORF/NIH Mark Radtke, Environmental Protection Specialist Division of Environmental Protection/ORF/NIH Facilities Planning Ricardo C. Herring, Director, Division of Facilities Planning /ORF/NIH Phillip Neuberg, Chief, Facility Planning and Programming Branch Division of Facilities Planning /ORF/NIH EIS Consultant Sara O’Neil-Manion, Principal, O’Neil & Manion Architects P.A. Demian Wincele, Senior Project Geologist, ECS Mid-Atlantic, LLC
3 NIH Bethesda Campus Master Plan would guide campus development over a 20-year period. A Plan would assure that research and research support facilities are provided at the appropriate time, as need dictates, and as resources permit, taking into consideration local and community planning objectives. The Master Plan
4 Why Does the NIH Bethesda Campus Need a Master Plan? A Master Plan would establish a physical framework which: Allows NIH to continue to fulfill its biomedical research needs by defining the program based on research goals, and priorities. Results in a consistent and appropriate physical appearance for the site. Is in accord with local and regional planning and environmental objectives. Defines the priorities for new building construction and renovation of current facilities. Ensure accordance with Department of Health and Human Services facility planning policy.
5 Master Planning Process Vision Formulate goals and planning principles Data Data collection Concept Develop Preliminary Master Plan for agency and public review Master Plan Develop Master Plan Issue Draft NIH Bethesda Campus Master Plan for agency and public review Issue Final NIH Bethesda Campus Master Plan
Master Plan/EIS Timeline Assemble planning information on the Bethesda Campus and Winter 2011 project campus population and space Issue Notice of Intent to Prepare EIS and Master Plan Winter 2012 Hold Scoping Meeting to Receive Comments and Concerns February 28, 2012 Comments will also be received during the 45-day public comment period ending March 26, Prepare Draft Master Plan and Draft EIS Spring 2012 Hold Draft EIS Public Meeting Summer 2012 Receive Comments on Draft EIS and Master Plan Prepare Final EIS Fall 2012 Issue Record of Decision Winter 2012/2013 6
7 NIH Mission The NIH mission is to seek fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability.
8 Master Plan Goals Goal 1: Foster innovative research to improve the nation’s health. Goal 2: Support the evolving requirements for biomedical research Goal 3: Provide secure and supportive campus for staff & visitors Goal 4: Respect the integrity of the surrounding community. Goal 5: Protect the environment of campus and the region. Goal 6: Foster communication about NIH goals and policies. Goal 7: Meet the Federal Real Property Council’s Performance Measures
9 Current Land Use Land UseAcresPercentage of Site Buffer Zone6621% Open Space11537% Sub Total Open Space18158% Parking3210% Roads/Walks/Service5418% Sub Total Circulation8628% Buildings4414% Total Land Area310100%
Potential Areas for Redevelopment 10 Replace Building 31 Adapt and reuse historic laboratories with administrative space Re-locate Building 21 Re-siting the Animal Research Center from south of the Central Utility Plant Replace Building 12 & 12 A with new laboratory and support space Replace old buildings with new laboratories, parking garages and support space Improve pedestrian safety Improve use of mass transit
11 Master Planning Issues The Master Plan will study and address: Campus Development Land Use Compatibility Traffic Parking Security Noise Lighting Utilities Other issues to be determined
Corporate Background and NEPA Experience ECS, Mid-Atlantic, LLC is one of several consulting/contracting firms on subcontract to O’Neil & Manion Architects P.A. Our interdisciplinary team includes scientists, industrial hygienists, engineers, and planners We offer a wide range of NEPA and other environmental services –Federal NEPA Environmental Assessments for construction and demolition projects –Programmatic NEPA support to various federal agencies (DoD, FBI, GSA) –Communications support (public meetings, coordinating public comments) ECS staff have prepared and reviewed several EAs, EISs, and EIRs –Examples include the Federal Reserve Building, University of Mary Washington, and Northern Virginia Community College Campus ECS and other consulting firms will coordinate to perform analyses independently of NIH 13
Scope and Content of an EIS Notice of Intent & Scoping Draft EIS Public Review & Comment Final EIS Public Availability and ROD EIS Content: Purpose and need Alternatives being considered Affected environment Consequences Mitigation measures Cumulative impacts 14
ECS’s Technical Approach for Preparing an EIS Objectively evaluate reasonable alternatives Perform environmental analyses –Use existing, relevant studies and/or data –Conduct site investigations –Apply modeling tools –Consult with subject matter experts –Consult with federal, state, and local agencies Identify mitigation measures to minimize impacts Perform regulatory analyses to identify compliance requirements Consider and respond to public comments 15
16 What is NEPA? National Environmental Policy Act (1969) Defines procedural elements –The NEPA Process –Council on Environmental Quality regulations 40 CFR –Department of Health and Human Services General Administration Manual Chapter 30, Environmental Protection Purpose of this Environmental Impact Statement for the NIH Master Plan is to examine potential impacts and mitigation
17 Why Perform NEPA? It is Federal Law Allows for the agency to consider the environmental impacts of its actions Allows for public participation Ensures the agency makes an informed decision on its action
18 NEPA Process Issue Notice of Intent (NOI) Hold Public Scoping Meeting Issue Draft EIS - Copies of draft are given to the Environmental Protection Agency and a Notice of Availability (NOA) is posted in the Federal Register -There is at least a 45 day comment period on the draft EIS Hold public comment meeting on DEIS Issue Final EIS -The final EIS must respond to relevant comments received from other agencies and the public -The final EIS is given to the EPA and a NOA is published in the federal register -30 day waiting period Record of Decision -Final step for the EIS process
19 Effective Public Commenting You can make a difference Comments may be the most important contribution from citizens Effective Comments: Early in the NEPA process Clear, concise and relevant to the analysis Solution oriented and provide specific examples Suggest additional alternatives Suggest sources of relevant data or information for consideration
How Do I Get Information on the Bethesda Campus Master Plan and Provide Comments on the EIS? Scoping comments should be directed to: Valerie Nottingham Chief, Environmental Quality Branch Division of Environmental Protection National Institutes of Health, ORF B13/2S11, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland telephone