Caribbean Export Management Consulting Industry symposium St Kitts, June 29, 2010 Martinique Management Consulting Industry survey
PROJECT DESCRIPTION Presentation Aims : Profile management consulting industry in Martinique Compare the results with the previous study done by EME. Methodology: A translated version of the questionnaires were used We encountered the same difficulty as the EME study as some respondents were unwilling to supply the level of information asked for in the survey. However, we found that this “fear” was alleviated in face to face interviews.
Sample : CountriesBahamasBarbadosDRJamaicaSt LuciaT&TMartinique FirmMarketFirmMarketFirmMarketFirmMarketFirmMarketFirmMarketFirmMarket Total Responses Total Survey Responses Table 1: Survey responses by country A significant amount of effort was spent in getting this response levels. PROJECT DESCRIPTION
Market survey respondents ▫Non-profit (Chamber of commerce, trade association) : 25% ▫Multinational: 25% ▫Micro small, or medium enterprise: 12,5% ▫Commercial Bank: 12,5% ▫Utilities/ Infrastructure firms: 12,5% ▫Undetermine:12,5% MARKET PROFILE
$ 10,000 to $190000% $20,000 to $49,99912,5% $50,000 to $99,99925% $100,000 to $249,99925% $250,000 to $499,99925% $500,000 or more12,5% The profile of respondents result in a much higher spending profiles of respondents in Martinique than in the other countries MARKET SPENDIG
The market approach to consulting MARKET NEEDS
Hiring by consulting segments in previous 3 years MARKET NEEDS
Client satisfaction by consultant type MARKET : PERFORMANCE
Most consulting firms (92,9%) take the form of limited liability companies. In terms of number of employees, most consulting firms have less than 4 employees. Martinique’s consulting firms have very small operations by regional standards. MANAGEMENT CONSULTING INDUSTRY PROFILE
Unlike the survey in the other countries, the majority of the consulting firms in Martinique earn between $100,000 and $500,000. Within the respondents, none have less that $20,000 revenue nor more than $500,000. The lack of companies with lower revenues indicates that most of the respondents are probably not new entrants in the industry but established firms. Revenue MANAGEMENT CONSULTING INDUSTRY PROFILE
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