Texas Skyward User Group Conference Purchasing Requisitions & Purchase Orders Lucia Cieszlak
Purchasing Requisitions & POs This session focuses on the actual process of entering requisitions and purchase orders. The approval process, applicable notifications, and e-commerce will be discussed. Requisition Entry Ecommerce Requisition Entry Approval Process Notifications
REQUISITION ENTRY Go to Skyward Web. Financial Management\Purchasing\Requisitions. Click on Requisition.
REQUISITION ENTRY Select the correct group. Create a short description for reference. Description does not print on PO. Select a vendor. Select Bid information.
REQUISITION ENTRY Save and Add detail.
REQUISITION ENTRY Select Merchandise : Entry requisition detail (quantity, unit of measure, unit cost, description (to be printed on PO). Select Narrative: For description only (no quantity, unit of measure or unit price).
REQUISITION ENTRY Add requisition accounts and save account distribution. Submit for approval. Approval levels will be created at system implementation. Normally there will be at least two levels: 1. Budget owner 2. Purchasing
ECOMMERCE REQUISITION ENTRY Click on image of selected vendor. Enter requisition information. Click Save and Add detail You will be taken to the vendor website. Navigate through the site to select items. When all items have been selected, Proceed to Cart. You will now be back in Skyward. Add Requisition Accounts and submit for approval.
APPROVALS Under Financial Management / Purchasing / Configuration, you can create approvers. Click on Requisition/Purchase Order Groups.
APPROVALS Highlight the Group you want to add the approver.
APPROVALS Click on Add Approvers
APPROVALS Add approver name and save.
APPROVALS When requisitions are ready for your approval they will show up in your queue. Click on the Approve button.
APPROVALS You have the option to approve or deny the requisition. You can add a note that will stay as a permanent record in the PO.
NOTIFICATIONS notifications can be set-up in the system. Go to Purchasing / Setup / Configurations.
NOTIFICATIONS Notify Options to requisitioner: 1. When requisition is approved 2. When requisition is denied 3. When requisition is flagged as pending approval 4. When items in the PO are received ?? Notify Options to approver: 1. Summary of requisitions awaiting approval 2. When requisition is denied
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