2 Overview of AT&T EPIC Ordering Process for SUS (Supply Order) Suppliers 1.AT&T User creates shopping cart on internal web-based portal 2.Shopping cart is submitted to AT&T backend EPIC system for purchase order creation. 3.EPIC system sends order to supplier portal. 4.An notice is sent to supplier notifying a new purchase order is available. 5.Supplier logs in to EPIC SUS portal to retrieve new order. Purchase Order
3 Sample of you will receive from AT&T notifying you of a new order.
4 Using your user id and initial password sent to you by AT&T log on to e-access.sbc.com or use the link in the . (Once you enter your information and click OK you will be taken to a page requiring you to change your initial password to one of your choosing.)
5 AT&T Global Logon supports the concept of passwords (minimum 8 characters plus complexity restrictions [upper case, numbers, etc.]) and passphrases (minimum 12 characters, no complexity restrictions). Human factors tests have shown that passphrases are much easier to remember. The Chief Security Office encourages the use of passphrases over passwords. Examples are Passphrase (Best Choice): Any string of characters, including embedded blanks. Minimum 12-characters long with at least one alphabetic character. EXAMPLES: sleep is good, fruitpunchsoda, billyandmary, funny4youtoo, smile4youandme If you prefer a password, you will be required to create a high strength password using the rules on the following slide.
6 Rules for Constructing a Valid High-Strength Password Top Five Reasons for Failed High-Strength Password Resets Too similar to any of your previous passwords. Contains common sequences (e.g., 123, 987, abc, xyz, aaa). Too short, needs at least eight characters for a complex password, 12 characters for a passphrase. Contains your userid or name (first, middle, or last). The two New Password fields do not match each other. High-Strength Aged Password: Must be either a 12-character simple passphrase (recommended) or an 8-character complex password. Your passphrase/password must obey the following rules: 1) Maximum of 46 chars. 2) Your passphrase or complex-password cannot include your userid, name (first, middle or last), or common/repeated sequences (e.g., 123, 987, abc). 3)A new password/passphrase must be significantly different from any of your previous passwords/passphrases. The number of times that each unique character appears in the new password must differ by at least three counts from the corresponding character counts of each of your previous passwords. 4a) Passphrase (Best Choice): Any string of characters, including embedded blanks. Minimum 12-characters long with at least one alphabetic character. EXAMPLES: sleep is good, fruitpunchsoda, billyandmary, funny4youtoo, smile4youandme 4b) Complex Password: Minimum eight characters and must meet at least three of the following four requirements: · Contains at least one upper case letter (A-Z), · Contains at least one lower case letter (a-z), · Contains at least one numeric digit (0-9),· Contains at least one special character (Includes embedded blank/space). EXAMPLES: hip!Horray, Acre0.5, happy!22 TIP: Many people choose new passwords/passphrases that are too similar to their previous passwords/passphrases and fail the new-password process. The common errors listed below apply to both passphrases and complex passwords. · Avoid using passwords that are similar to previous passwords, even passwords that you used years ago. The system counts the individual letters/numbers/specials that are used in each of your previous passwords (e.g., Password#1 = two A's, zero B's, one X, two 4's, etc) and compares them to a count of the corresponding characters in your new password. Each comparison must differ by at least three character counts.· Many people attempt to swap one number for another number. This would count as a single character difference, and fail. Three are needed for success. EXAMPLE: OLD=this-month-is-4, NEW=this-month-is-5 [FAIL]· You cannot simply swap the position of characters. EXAMPLE: OLD=bugsbunny248, NEW=248bugsbunny [FAIL] · Finally, many people simply forget to count the length of their password (min 8-chars) or their passphrase (min 12-chars)
7 After entering your initial password you will be prompted to change to your own password. If your new password is successful you will see a message that your password has been changed and the log on successful page will display (next slide).
8 Click the OK button to continue to the eCorp appliation.
9 Supplier Home Page for AT&T EPIC Supplier Self Services (SUS) If you have a password problem contact or call the help line at
10 Select the Profile Management tab. Here you can view your information. To add, change or update any information on this screen please send an to the mailbox.
11 EPIC Supply Order Processing There are 3 tasks associated with order processing in EPIC SUS –Print and/or save the purchase order locally –Confirm or reject purchase order line items and send response back to AT&T –Retrieve the purchasing card information It is not necessary to perform these tasks in any particular order. The actions are independent of one another.
12 Select Supplier Self Services Tab to Process New Orders
13 Here you will see any new purchase orders Click on New link to view new orders
14 A list of new orders will be displayed Click on link to new order
15 Display of Upper Portion of Online Purchase Order with Action Buttons Click on Yellow Print Button
16 1. A Winzip window will open containing a.pdf file of the order document 2. Double click on the.pdf file to open the document 3. Print the document 4. Close the document and Winzip windows (click small x in upper right corner) 5. You will be back at the order display window. 2.3.
17 Display of Upper Portion of Online Purchase Order with Action Buttons Click on Yellow Process Button
18 Purchase Order Processing Window Opens Here you can confirm or reject all items at once or line by line
19 After confirming the Purchase Order scroll to top of screen and click the yellow Send Button. System returns a status update to AT&T.
20 Scroll down Purchase Order Processing Window – Here you can open the payment section to obtain purchasing card information. Click on the tray icon to open
21 Copy purchasing card number and expiration date from this screen. This completes the processing. You now have confirmed the order, printed a hard copy and retrieved the purchasing card information.
22 To return to the beginning for another new order, click on Start Page
23 You have successfully processed the new order and there are no more new orders in this case. To validate status you can click on the Confirmed link below.
24 The order appears in the Confirmed group. You are now ready to log off by clicking the Log Off tab.
25 The Log Off window opens and click Log Off again