Welcome Meeting for New Staff University Structure Updated March 2015
Constitutional Structure: Faculties and Services 9 Faculties Arts Biological Sciences Business Education, Social Sciences and Law (ESSL) Engineering Environment Mathematics and Physical Sciences (MaPS) Medicine and Health Performance, Visual Arts and Communications (PVAC) 7 Service Groups Central Offices Facilities Directorate Finance Human Resources Marketing Research and Innovation Student Education
Constitutional Structure: Faculties and Schools (1) Arts (Dean Professor Frank Finlay) School of English School of History School of Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science School of Languages, Cultures and Societies Performance, Visual Arts and Communications (Dean Professor David Cooper) School of Media and Communications School of Design School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies School of Music School of Performance and Cultural Industries Business (Dean Professor Peter Moizer) Education, Social Sciences and Law (Dean Professor Jeremy Higham) School of Education School of Politics and International Studies School of Sociology and Social Policy School of Law Biological Sciences (Dean Professor John Ladbury) School of Biology School of Biomedical Sciences School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Constitutional Structure: Faculties and Schools (2) Environment (Dean Professor Andrew Dougill) School of Earth and Environment School of Geography Institute for Transport Studies Engineering (Dean Professor Peter Jimack) School of Civil Engineering School of Computing School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering School of Chemical and Process Engineering Mathematics and Physical Sciences (Dean Professor Stephen Scott) School of Chemistry School of Mathematics School of Physics and Astronomy School of Food Science and Nutrition Medicine and Health (Dean Professor Paul Stewart) School of Dentistry School of Healthcare School of Medicine School of Psychology
Constitutional Structure: Services (1) Student Education (PVC Professor Vivien Jones) Student Operations Student Opportunity Admissions and Educational Engagement Research and Innovation (PVC Professor David Hogg) Research and Innovation Service Finance (Finance Director Jane Madeley) Finance IT Services Purchasing Strategy and Planning Human Resources (Acting HR Director Linda Mortimer Pine) Human Resources Staff and Departmental Development Unit (SDDU) Wellbeing, Safety and Health
Constitutional Structure: Services (2) Central Offices (University Secretary Roger Gair) Secretariat Vice-Chancellor’s and Pro-Vice Chancellors’ Offices Facilities Directorate (Director of Facilities Management Dennis Hopper) Campus Support Services Commercial Services Estates and Facilities Management Accommodation Sustainability Marketing (Marketing Director Martin Holmes) Access and Community Engagement Alumni and Development Communications International Office Marketing and Student Recruitment
Structure of Governance
University Governance: Principal Committees Senate (chaired by Vice-Chancellor) Academic authority of University, responsible for academic governance Some 150 members (including students), all internal Boards supporting Senate Graduate Board (chaired by Dean of Postgraduate Research Studies) Research and Innovation Board (chaired by PVC Research & Innovation ) Taught Student Education Board (chaired by PVC Student Education) Council (chaired by Pro-Chancellor) Governing body of the University
University Governance: Faculties and Schools Each Faculty has 3 main committees: Taught Student Education (Chair: Pro-Dean for Student Education) Research and Innovation (Chair: Pro-Dean for Research and Innovation) Graduate (Chair: Faculty Director of Postgraduate Research Studies) Each Faculty has a Graduate School Each School has a Taught Student Education Committee and a Research and Innovation Committee