Community Health Services Experience: Engaging the Community Catharine Lowes RN BScN, IBCLC (RLC) April 2015
To inspire participants to think “outside of the box “ when connecting to community stakeholders objective
Breastfeeding Niagara previously the Niagara Region Breastfeeding Coalition
breastfeedingniagara. ca
The website Video links Getting started Trouble shooting Local resources How to write an advocacy letter About formula Making an informed decision Breastfeeding in public Topics for educators Link to Breastfeeding Matters in other languages Reducing pain during painful procedures Information for Dads
Engaging teachers Breastfeeding is a life skill which requires prior knowledge and attitudinal acceptance Students benefit from knowledge and confidence in how their bodies work male and female students learning about breastfeeding critical thinking as it applies to commercial products such as the use of commercial infant formulas
Social Media
Breastfeeding Challenge
IT’S OK TO br EA s T feed in PUBLIC (slogan stolen from Toronto Public Health)
BFI Community Advisory Network Chair of Breastfeeding Niagara Chair of the Public Health (PH) Breastfeeding Committee Hospital manager Hospital IBCLC Midwife Manager of PH Reproductive Health Community Doula Managers of Ontario Early Years Centre Programs Manager of Canadian Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP) Native Centre - CPNP Family and Children Services representative School team health promoter Paediatrician (corresponding) Local prenatal instructors Dr. office nurses (corresponding) Positively Living Niagara - living with HIV Social Determinants of Health- breastfeeding outreach nurse New to our group Dieticians from local super stores Manager of Ontario Works (social assistance) We would like Food bank representative Day care representative Pharmacist dentist
Collaboration between Hospital and Health Unit Meet each month with the manager of Maternal Child and Paediatric units Share all of our resources All BFI resources are endorsed by the health unit, the hospital and the coalition We have worked in collaboration in the past to: Provide lunch and learns to hospital staff Include hospital staff in our café style of learning days Sponsor hospital staff to attend our BFI Expo Include hospital managers in our BFI designation planning and debriefing
Breastfeeding Workshop TWO hour workshop Open to families, students and health care providers Topics include Why families breastfeed Baby led latching Hand expression How to know baby is getting enough Review of the informed decision making process Why families receive free formula How to avoid formula supplementation in hospital Why it is important to breastfeed in public
Engage the unsuspecting partners (health inspectors, food banks) Become involved in provincial committees Be inspired by other health units Do not underestimate the power of passionate volunteers Consider creative educational models to engage stakeholders (ex. Breastfeeding Café) Have a presence in the community Being Creative
Questions? Catharine Lowes RN BScN IBCLC (RLC) BFI Coordinator Family Health Division Niagara Region Public Health ex