NOW I LAY ME DOWN TO SLEEP Hanah Cummings Health Doula & Childbirth Preparation Salt Lake Community College
WHAT IS NILMDTS? Providing the gift of remembrance photography for parents suffering the loss of a baby. NILMDTS was created by Cheryl Haggard who delivered baby Maddux in Baby Maddux had a birth defect and they had to make the decision to take him off life support, but before they did this they had a friend come in and photograph him. This is where NILMDTS started was that night. Cheryl says “That night was the worst night of my life. But when I look at the images, I am not reminded of my worst night. I’m reminded of the beauty and blessings he brought.” When a child is born still, passes from newborn death or has a condition that is not sustainable with life that is when a NILMDTS photographer will come in and capture those precious moments with your child. NILMDTS Video NILMDTS Video
WHO ARE THE PHOTOGRAPHERS? Anyone can apply to be a volunteer photographer. You must be able to take professional quality photographs You must be able to edit them You must be able to get them to the families within 4 weeks & a couple for the viewing or funeral You have to submit an application and some sample pictures and be approved What if you cant take pictures, can you still assist? Yes, you can be an assistant to the photographer You will dress the baby, position the baby and be emotional support for the family
WHEN DO WE GO AND TAKE PICTURES? ANYTIME You might be called at 3 o’clock in the morning and time is of the essence in these situations You must be able to be on call at all hours day or night, but there is a calendar system that you sign up for the days you will be available. We go to any hospital, there are volunteers in every city across the U.S and they are branching out to other countries How to find a photographer? You can go to and call the area coordinator and she will find a photographer to come out to youhttps:// We will stay as long or short as you want us there for and capture all the memories you want
WHAT DO WE DO? Step of things we do when we arrive at the hospital We check in with the nurses Get the families name Gestational age of baby Why the baby passed away *** Most importantly baby’s name*** (so you can address the child by their name in the room it makes it more personal) Introduce ourselves to the family, explain what we are here to do Dress the baby Start photographing The answer we get asked the most is do we get paid to do this and how much is it going to cost? The answer is no everything we do it volunteer work and there will be absolutely no charges to them for our services
WHAT A DOULA CAN DO TO HELP WITH INFANT/ PREGNANCY LOSS You can setup the photographer for them if they want them Be there for support Ask questions they may forget to ask, they are in the state of shock and have a ton of questions but they cant think of them at this point Make sure they get all the time they want with the baby Encourage them to dress the baby, bathe that baby, and encourage other family members to come up and visit with the baby and hold them. Gather support group information for them Help them with funeral home names if you have time
WHAT PARENTS SAY ABOUT THEIR PHOTOS Hanah Cummings- “These are the only memories I will ever get of my daughter, I wont have pictures of her first day of school, school dances, her wedding day etc. These pictures are all I have of my daughter and they are the best gift I have ever received.” Sarah & Nathan Stuart- “How we felt about NILMDTS was a huge relief off of our shoulders. Knowing that we wouldn't be able to spend the rest of our lives with our children was devastating. When NILMDTS came in and captured the last moments of our twin boys was a GIFT. NILMDTS captured the last and final moments my twins had when they were alive. They showed behind the moment photos I wouldn't have been able to re live without someone to capture that moment. It was so so so relieving that we had a professional to take those pictures for us. For them to take those photos and edit them from being a horrible situation to turning them into a beautiful memory. I believe NILMDTS helps families take those hard times and makes them a little easier for families to cope with such a great loss. Especially when it comes to families not so fortunate to afford professional photos to be taken. We didn't expect to lose our children. When you are hit with a trauma you don't think about taking a camera. Cell phones never did our sons justice. To be able to have photos at our sons funeral and show others the precious, sweet, angelic children we know and love. We are beyond thankful for NILMDTS. Without them we would have a huge emptiness in our lives. We now and forever will have beautiful photos of our sons!” Lorianne & Cameron Stelter- “Because I was put under general anesthesia I don't remember much of what happened after I woke up, so having the pictures from NILMDTS gives me so much comfort and helps relieve the anger I feel about not remembering. It helps me to remember my son, and my husband holding my son, me kissing my son, and other things my mind was too drugged up to remember myself.”
Dillon Thomas Stuart October 20, 2012 October 24, lb 7oz 11.5 in. Brynson LaMar Stuart October 20, lb 3oz 11.5 in.
Carter Joseph Stelter May 12, May 12, lbs 12oz 20in.
QUESTION TIME Do you have any questions?
REFERENCES Stuart, S. (2013, November 30). Interview Stuart, N. (2013, November 30). Interview Stelter, C. (2013, November 30). Interview Stelter, L. (2013, November 30). Interview Cummings, H. (2013, November 30). Personal Experience Haggard, C. (copyright 2013). Mission and History Haggard, C. (copyright 2013). Find a Photographer