Master of Science Programme Telecommunications Engineering A.A (for first year) A.A (for second year)
PHYSICS DEVICES SIGNALS NETWORKS SERVICES SYSTEMS CN2SCD2S APPLICATIONS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS B. Sc. in Telecom, or Electrical Engineering, or similar B. Sc. in Telecom, or Computer Engineering, or similar ICT world 1 studente34 studenti
Master of Science Programme Telecommunications Engineering Communication Devices, Signals, and Systems (CD2S)
First Year Digital Integrated Circuits M C6 Information Theory and Coding M B6 Optical Fiber Systems M B6 The Telecommunications Engineer M F3 54 credits First SemesterSecond Semester Communication Systems M B6 Propagation and Planning in Wireless Systems M B9 Network Design M B9 Creativity and Innovation M F3 Digital Systems M C6 Principles, Models and Applications for Distributed Systems M C6 6 credits
Second Year 66 credits Final Project M E24 18 credits Electromagnetic Compatibility M B6 3 credits Radiofrequency Circuits M B6 Prot. and Arch. for Space Networks M F3 Antenna and Antenna Systems M B6 Radio Systems M B6 First SemesterSecond Semester Wireless Systems Laboratory M B6 Digital Receiver Design and Optimiz. M B6 Trends in Communications M F3 Any course D (12 credits) – see Tab. D Wireless Sensor Networks M B6 SW Development M F3 Energy-aware wireless circ. and syst. M F3
Communication Networks, Services, and Systems (CN2S) Master of Science Programme Telecommunications Engineering
Prop. and Planning in Wireless Syst. M B9 First Year Network Modelling M B6 Principles of Multimedia Applications and Services M B6 Communication Systems: Theory and Measurements M B9 Electromagnetic Technologies for Link Design M B9 First semesterSecond semester 54 credits Mathematical Methods M C6 Radio Networks M B6 Creativity and Innovation M F3 The Telecommunications Engineer M F3 Propagation in Wireless Systems M B6Communication Systems M B6 9 credits 6 credits
Final Project M E24 Second Year First semesterSecond semester Trends in Communications M F3 Any course D (12 credits) – see Tab. D 66 credits Optical Circuits and Networks M B6 Digital Systems M C6 Principles, Models and Applications for Distributed Systems M C6 Optimization Models and Algorithms M C6 6 credits SW Development M F3 Energy-aware wireless circ. and syst. M F3 Electromagnetic Compatibility M B6 Radio Systems M B6Wireless Systems Laboratory M B6 Digital Receiver Design and Optimiz. M B6Wireless Sensor Networks M B6 12 credits 3 credits Prot. And Arch. For Space Networks M F3 * Radiofrequency Circuits M B6
Laboratorio di reti di telecomunicazioni T –A – 3 CFU Elettronica delle telecomunicazioni M-A – 6 CFU Laboratorio di software per le telecomunicazioni T-A – 3 CFU Progetto di sistemi in fibra ottica T – 3 CFU Metodi numerici per l’ingegneria M – 6 CFU Tab. D: if the choice falls in this table, or among courses of ECST (except English C1), or any other optional course/module of CD2S or CN2S, the study plan is automatically approved Resources Optimisation M – 6 CFU Numerical Methods M – 6 CFU Radio Networks M – 6 CFU Information Theory and Coding M – 6 CFU Principles of Multimedia Applications and Services M – 6 CFU Optical Fiber Systems M – 6 CFU Antennas and Antenna Systems M – 6 CFU Optical Circuits and Networks M – 6 CFU Computer Architectures M – 6 CFU Laboratory of High Frequency Electronic Circuit Design M – 3 CFU Laboratorio di telecomunicazioni T-A – 3 CFU