Nickname: Erin/ Borlo Interests: history, art, romance stories, traveling, classical music, and gamefowl breeding. Dream: “Travel around the world and appreciate the beauty of places, peoples, and cultures.
Advanced cities Centers of trade Specialized workers Ex. priests, weavers, metalworkers, merchants, scribes, government officials Complex institutions Formal governments, priests with religious and political power Record Keeping Ex. cuneiform tablets Advanced Technology Ex. wheel, plow, sailboat, bronze weapons
MESOAMERICA – Central Mexico to the northern part of Honduras. OLMEC ZAPOTEC
First known civilization builders in the Americas. Known to be the MOTHER CULTURE Flourished from 1200BC to 400BC along the GULF COAST OF MEXICO (modern day Veracruz and Tabasco).
Thick Forests Hot, humid Severe flooding Salt, tar, and clay Wood and rubber Stones Rivers Fertile land
OLMEC SAN LORENZO LA VENTA Home to a small ruling class of priests and nobles Earthen mounds, courtyards, and pyramids Large stone monuments, sculpted heads GREAT PYRAMID Artifacts – that led to a conclusion that the Olmec prayed a variety of Nature Gods. JAGUAR WORSHIP
Villagers in Acatlan, Mexico put on jaguar masks and stage mock combats and dances in the hope that the jaguar will shed its own blood in the form of rain, to water the fields.
Outside villagers caused the destruction. San Lorenzo destroyed around 900 BC La Venta fallen around 400 BC.
Centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala. Golden Age: 6 th Century AD Excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph, writing, calendar making, and mathematics Impressive architecture and symbolic artwork
EARLY MAYANS Agricultural (corn, beans, squash, cassava) Derived a number of religious and cultural traits from the Olmec ▪ Number system, calendar, pyramid, city construction, inscribing of stone monuments Cities of Stones (Classic Maya) The Golden Age of the Maya Empire 40 cities including Tikal, Copan, Uaxactun, Bonampak, Dos Pilas, Calakmul, Palenque, Rio Bec. Plazas, palaces, temples, pyramids. Playing the ball games that were ritually and politically significant to Maya culture Slash and burn Worshipped various gods related to nature.
KINGS (kuhul ajaw/ holy lords) Claim: related to the gods Followed a hereditary succession Thought as mediators between the gods and the people on earth. Performed elaborate religious ceremonies and rituals so important to the Mayan culture.
Temples and palaces in a stepped pyramid shape. Made significant advances in mathematics and astronomy, including the use of zero and the development of a complex calendar system based on 365 days.
End of the 9 th century- mysterious thing happened in Mayan Civilization. One by one classic cities were abandoned. ▪ Exhausted the environment ▪ Constant warfare ▪ drought
Valley of Mexico Site of the greatest empire of Mesoamerica (Aztec). Had several large, shallow lakes at its center Accessible resources Fertile soil TEOTIHUACANTOLTECS
Known as the City of the Gods. First major civilization in Central Mexico. In 6 th century AD, population grew to as many as 125,000 people. Pyramid of the Sun Center of a thriving trade Obsidian – hard, glassy green or black rock used in making razor sharp weapons.
Conquer its neighbors – Try to create an empire – Influence Mesoamerica with its art styles and religious beliefs-
Ruled over Central Mexico. Made TULA its capital. Built pyramids and temples and carved tall pillars in the shape of armed warriors. Opposite of Teotihuacan. EXTREMELY WARLIKE PEOPLE Worshipped a fierce War God who demanded blood and human sacrifice from his followers.
Topiltzin- King of Peace Quetzalcoatl- The Feathered Serpent known as the God of Peace.
Aztecs arrived in Central Mexico in 1200s. They were formerly known as MEXICA from the deserts of North Mexico. Once soldiers for hire to local rulers.
Aztec Sun God Told Aztecs to found a city of their own. They must “look for a place where an eagle perched on a cactus, holding a snake in its mouth.” Were they able to find one?
Aztec Sun God Told Aztecs to found a city of their own. They must “look for a place where an eagle perched on a cactus, holding a snake in its mouth.” Were they able to find one?
Formed alliances (city-states merging together like Texcoco and Tlacopan) Power was based on MILITARY CONQUESTS and TRIBUTE from conquered people. Let local rulers govern their own regions. Tribute: GOLD, MAIZE, CACAO, COTTON, JADE What if they fail to give tributes?
1500s it became an extraordinary urban center. Palaces, temples, markets, and residential districts were connected by streets and avenues. Canals divided the city. Aqueducts funneled freshwater in from the mainland. GREAT TEMPLE – main structure in the center of Tenochtitlan. Aztec’s religious center.
Religion played a vital role in Aztec Society Designed elaborate public ceremonies to communicate and win the favors of the Gods (ex. Dramas, songs, dances) HUMAN SACRIFICE FOR THE SUN GOD.
Under Montezuma II, Aztec began to weaken He demanded more tribute and sacrifice. Tribute served as source of wealth and power. Tribute provided prisoners for religious sacrifice.
1. Give me 1 characteristic of a civilization. 2. Peru is part of the Mesoamerican region. Yes or no? 3. This Mesoamerican society flourished around Veracruz and Tabasco around 1200BC. 4. This society worshipped an animal that was perceived to be their God of Rain. What’s that animal? 5. Are Tikal, Palenque, and Chichen Itza part of the classic city-states of the Mayan civilization? Yes or no?
6. Did the Mayans create the first complex calendar system which was based on 365 days? Yes or no? 7. Give me 1 possible theory that caused the decline of the Mayan civilization. 8. They were the first major civilization in Central Mexico. 9. They were extremely warlike people and worshipped a fierce War God who demanded blood and human sacrifice from his followers. 10. Aztecs were formerly called as?
11. Quetzalcoatl was the Aztecs’s Sun God. Yes or no? 12. Huitzilopochtli was the Aztecs’s God of Peace. Yes or no? 13. Give me 1 group of people which comprises the Aztec nobility. 14. Did the Aztecs reach the Golden Age under the reign of Montezuma II? Yes or no? 15. Name this place that was built on the Lake Texcoco by the Aztecs.