Welcome to SunGard SCT Banner Time Entry and Payroll Processing
Introductions Name Organization Title/function Job responsibilities SCT Banner experience Expectations Introductions The instructor will introduce himself/herself by describing his/her experience with: SCT SCT Banner SCT Banner [Product name] Higher Education The participants in the class will introduce themselves by sharing with the class: Name Organization Title/Function Job Responsibility SCT Banner experience SCT Banner [ Product name] experience And their expectations of the training session Write down the expectations of the class members at the beginning of the training session. That way, at the end, you will be able to see if all expectations have been met. If they are not to be met, explain why.
Course Goals Human Resources personnel will learn and practice time sheet data collection, paycheck calculation and generation, and pay history data maintenance In addition, the participants will learn how to make adjustments to the completed payroll process through the void, reissue, and redistribution procedures After discussing the course goals, discuss the use of the associated workbook and how it will assist them during training and after they return to their institutions.
Agenda Overview Set up Day-to-Day Question and Answer Discuss how the course will be structured…first going over the Set up (rule and validation forms) that are required for recruitment and application training. Followed by the discussion of the Day-to-Day procedures that are required to handle recruitment and application training.
Overview Enables you to collect time sheet information, accrue leave balances, validate earnings codes and hours Generate paychecks and direct deposit notices
Process Introduction
Payroll Dispositions Disposition Description 05 Awaiting Re-Extract 10 Awaiting Time Entry 15 Awaiting Correction 20 Awaiting Proof 22 Hours Correction 25 Awaiting Leave Process 27 Pre-Balance Calc 28 Pre-Approve Calc 30 Awaiting Calc 37 Pre-Balance Check See workbook page A-3 for explanation.
Payroll Dispositions, Continued 38 Pre-Approve Check 40 Awaiting Document 42 Awaiting Check/Direct Deposit Run 43 Awaiting Direct Deposit Run 44 Awaiting Check Run 47 Pre-Balance Update 48 Pre-Approve Update 50 Awaiting Update 60 Finance Extract 62 Finance Interface/Feed 70 Complete See workbook page A-3 for explanation.
Set up Objectives At the end of this section, you will run the required programs that prepare you for processing the payroll See page B-1 of workbook.
Set up Prepare for the Payroll Employee, job, and deduction records used for the training payroll should have an effective date within the payroll dates By creating records for the training payroll, you can control what time entry will be required
Set up Review What are the commonly used forms and process used in the payroll process? How do you process the payroll? What does the Payroll Hierarchy Pyramid symbolize? What is the EEO Contract Group? Solicit answers from above questions from audience.
Day-to-Day Objectives At the end of this section, you will be able to calculate premium on base salary process the initial extract process a re-extract run the time entry process run the pay period proof process run the leave accruals and taken process See page C-1 in workbook.
Objectives, Continued run the payroll calculation process calculate check/direct deposit amounts update process for checks and direct deposits run direct deposit process pay period update process run feed to finance expenditure finance extract process See page C-1 in workbook.
Day-to-Day Process
Day-to-Day Calculate Premiums on Base Salary Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS) Benefits and deductions are calculated with the life insurance process Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Changing Employee Records Person Identification Form (PPAIDEN) change an employee's address Employee Benefit Deduction Form (PDADEDN) change an employee's deductions Employee Jobs Form (NBAJOBS) change an employee's pay and/or labor Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day, Continued Employee Benefit Deduction Form (PDADEDN) add or replace employee information to a record Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Process the Initial Extract The Time Processing Report (PHPTIME) initial extract selects jobs and deduction records that are effective during the pay period data Online Time Entry Form (PHAHOUR) Creates electronic timesheet entry records Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Process a Re-extract Time Processing Report (PHPTIME) used to tell the system that something pertinent to employee deduction or job records has changed within the payroll currently being processed Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Perform the Time Entry Process Time Entry Form (PHAHOUR) allows the user to enter exception hours or new hours Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Perform the Pay Period Proof Process Pay Period Proof Process (PHPPROF) checks for various error conditions that could prevent an employee’s pay event from proceeding through the payroll flow Access Banner and enter data on form and processes.
Day-to-Day Perform the Leave Accruals and Taken Process Category Rule Form (PTRLCAT) Completion of the leave process performs edits and calculates leave accruals as defined on the Leave Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Perform the Payroll Calculation Process Payroll Calculation Report (PHPCALC) calculates earnings, deductions, and taxes Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Calculate Check/Direct Deposit Amounts Calculate Check/Direct Deposit Amounts process (PHPDOCM) calculates check and direct deposit amount Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Perform the Update Process for Checks and Direct Deposits Checks/Direct Deposit Notice process (PHPCHKL) prints the checks and direct deposit notices updates the check and direct deposit numbers and generates checks and direct deposit notices for employees at disposition 42, awaiting check/deposit Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Run the Direct Deposit Process Direct Deposit Process (PHPDIRD) creates the direct deposit file to transmit to the clearinghouse bank Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Perform the Pay Period Update Process Pay Period Update Process (PHPUPDT) Update process to select employees with a disposition of 50, awaiting update, and update the pay event history information to the personnel records, including all employee, leave, benefit/deduction, and job assignment records Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Run the Feed to Finance Process The Finance Interface Report Process (NHPFIN2) passes the Finance Extract Process (NHPFIN1) and the Expenditures Finance Extract (PHPFEXP) transactions to the SCT Banner Finance System Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Perform the Expenditure Finance Extract Process Expenditure Finance Extract Process (PHPFEXP) extracts payroll data for interface to the SCT Banner Finance System and updates the expended amounts on the Position Definition Form (NBAPOSN) Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments – Voids View payroll dispositions for a particular employee, access the Pay Event List Form (PHILIST) either directly or from the Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) Adjustment process will void or nullify a paycheck that was given in error Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments – Redistributions Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) This adjustment process is used to alter the original labor distribution of an individual pay event Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments – Manual check Transactions Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) This adjustment process is used to generate a manual pay event for an employee who did not receive a paycheck during the original pay cycle or to provide a pay advance Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments – Adjustments Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) This adjustment process is used to process a manual check for an employee who was not given enough pay during the normal payroll cycle Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments – Reissues Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) Reissue automatically creates a void transaction on the event being adjusted and a manual transaction to replace the event being reissued Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments – Duplicates Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) The Duplicate Adjustment function allows you to create a new pay event transaction that is identical to a previous pay event Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustment-Net to Gross Adjustment Processing form (PHAADJT) Used to adjust net to gross The net to gross feature enables you to calculate the gross amount of a check from its net amount Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments-Direct Deposits On-Demand Direct Deposit Recipient Form (GXADIRD) Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) Banner HR is now able to issue and reissue payments outside of the normal payroll cycle as direct deposits instead of regular checks Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Payroll Adjustments – General Queries Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) After performing void, duplicate, and reissue transactions, you can view the details of the earnings and deductions for either the original or subsequent pay events Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Manual Calculation Method Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) To manually calculate the gross and net for a manual check Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Computer Calculation Method Adjustment Processing Form (PHAADJT) System can calculate the gross and net for a manual check Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Issuing One-Time Payments One-Time Payment form (PEA1PAY) Used to set up an employee for one-time pay Access Banner and enter data on form.
Day-to-Day Review How do you calculate premium on base salary? How do you process the initial extract? How do you run the time entry process? What is the pay period update process? How do you process a re-extract? Solicit answers from above questions from audience.
Course Summary/Review As a result of this course we have learned how to make adjustments to the completed payroll process through the void, reissue, and redistribution procedures learned and practiced time sheet data collection, paycheck calculation and generation, and pay history data maintenance
Questions and Answers
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