Students should…. follow classroom rules demonstrate terrific kid character traits daily be responsible for their work and actions be able to earn money each week Students are expected to participate in class and complete their work Work is expected to be neat and complete! Best effort Homework is each student’s responsibility
8:45-9:15 Morning Work 9:15-10:45 Literacy 10:45-11:55 Math 12:05-12:35 Lunch 12:35-1:20 Writing 1:20-2:05 Specials 2:05-2:35 Recess 2:35-3:45 Science/Social Studies 3:45-4:00 Dismissal Specials 1:15-2:05 Day 1 Media Day 2 Music Day 3 P.E. Day 4 Readers’ Theatre Day 5 Spanish Day 6 Technology Day 7 Art
Before each unit, teachers give a pre-assessment to determine the students’ current level of proficiency on the objectives in that unit Pre-assessments are scored and data is used to group students accordingly Instruction is then provided across the grade level Groups are flexible and will change based on data from each unit
Adopted by Wake County Validated with over 10 years of research Focuses on conceptual understanding and fluency Support the Math Expressions lessons to align with the Common Core Standards *Language based- explaining, justifying reasoning and answers.
Math is every day from 10:45-11:55 Students complete a Problem of the Day and Homework check (whole class or with a buddy) Direct instruction/Mini Lesson (20 minutes): Teacher will give the lesson for the day 10:45-11:55- Structure of the lesson is different on a day to day basis. Whole group activities, partner work, independent practice, individual conferencing, small groups, etc. Enrichment groups may work on projects throughout units.
Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
2 daily blocks Reading- 9:15-10:45 Writing-12:35-1:15
Balanced literacy program Focus Lessons with CAFÉ Mini Lessons on Skills Strategy Groups Independent Reading Individual Conferences Novel Studies/Literature Groups Reader’s Response Journals Vocabulary-Wordly Wise Workbook Read Aloud
Teacher works with students in small groups and conducts individual student conferences Students are working on reading and writing during rotations Students need to be responsible and focused while working independently
Read To Self: is uninterrupted INDEPENDENT reading time designed to build each students’ stamina. Read To Someone: is designed to build each students’ stamina and oral reading fluency. Students are paired with a partner and take turns reading aloud.
Word Work: is a time for students to be engaged in meaningful activities that increase their knowledge of spelling patterns or the meaning of vocabulary words. Work On Writing: a time for students to respond to their reading in a written format *Listen To Reading: Read Aloud and Book Buddies
Hold the student accountable Encourage the student to complete tasks to the best of their ability Practice good spelling habits in written work across all areas of the curriculum Make sure students are reading nightly and retelling Please ensure your child has several “Good Fit” Books at school and at home
Students will work through the writing process to create and publish quality pieces that demonstrate the features of effective writing. Prewriting Rough Draft Revising Editing Publishing Author’s Chair – gives students the opportunity to share ideas and stories with peers
Focuses on North Carolina – Q1- History – Q2- Government – Q3- Economy – Q4- Culture, Geography and Environment Learning Experiences – Native American Day-9/26 – Wright Brothers Day-12/17 – Free Enterprise Day-3/20 – Pirate Day-6/26 – Culture Fair-6/19
– Q1- Animal Studies – Q2- Landforms – Q3-Rocks and Minerals – Q4- Magnetism and Electricity We will have four in school fieldtrips that support Science curriculum this year!
Wake County Public Schools Standards-Based Grading Report Card Descriptors LEVEL DESCRIPTORS Exemplary Student consistently demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period. 3 - Proficient Student consistently demonstrates an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period. 2 – Approaching Proficiency Student is approaching an understanding of the standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period. 1 – Non-Proficiency Student does not yet demonstrate an understanding of standards, concepts and skills taught during this reporting period.
Friday- Each students will reflect on the week- consider classwork, behavior, effort, etc. Students will set goals for the upcoming week All tests will be added to this binder and will go home for parents to review Writing samples and other important assignments will be found here as well Parents are encouraged to take time to go through the binder with their child to discuss their school work and help them to set goals each week
Raleigh Walking Tour (December 18th) Mordecai House (September 17) Symphony (April 21 st ) Beach Day Trip(May 29 th ) (4) “In-class” science trips – Electrifying Adventures – Finally Fun Formations – You Are What You Eat – Natures Niche We will need volunteers for field trips. Please make sure you are registered to volunteer.
Ms. Brown’s Weekly Newsletter: ed each Wednesday to parents with information for the week/month Website: Daily Planner: Parents please check & sign daily Wednesday Folder: Parents please check weekly Progress/Interim Reports (Q1: 8/27) Parent Conferences (End of Quarter 1) Quarterly Report Cards(Quarter 1: 9/26)
Please feel free to your child’s Math or Science teachers if you have any questions. Science: Mrs. Duncklee – Math: Mrs. Duncklee & Ms. Lehman - -